Chapter 45

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With unsteady hands, I wiped away the small beads of perspiration that had indistinctly formed on my skin. It confused myself a bit, how one could possibly sweat in the middle of this chilly Seoul transitional weather, the warmth in the room outweighing the otherwise freezing atmosphere. And then I saw her. That's when it clicked; Lisa Manoban made the difference.

It had to be Lisa, her presence solely responsible for sending the embers of the fire sizzling, fostering heat in the cold undercurrents. She was lying on her stomach, hair pooling all over the pillow, concealing her face. While she had the blue institution pants on, her upper body was covered with a tank top clinging onto her lean figure.

I took one step forward, grippingly. My eyes were met with various little swirls of dusky amber that ran all along Lisa's arms and upper neck area, branching into obscurity. Some of it was deeper in hue, some if it was closer to her skin colour, almost going unnoticeable. Almost. I'd almost forgotten Lisa was scarred.

"You know, I could get used to waking up like this."

I flinched in my position, the sound of the raspy voice having startled me. As I involuntarily pranced backwards, the body in front of me slowly started coming back to life. Lisa rose, as gracefully as all those heroes in the movies did - undaunted and supreme. But this wasn't the movies, it was a psychiatric institution. Lisa ought not to be so perfect. I had already anticipated the smirk that adorned Lisa's lips as she turned to face me.

"Looking for something Ruby Jane?" she teased.

I turned my head away in horror, realizing thatI'd been caught staring at Lisa like a creep all this time. I turned my gaze back only when I heard her chuckle lightly. I was met with the sight of her back once again, as she put on the institution's blue shirt over her tank top, just like the movies. I watched as the now familiar blue cloth replaced the slight hint of the burn scars.

After Lisa's long fingers were done straightening the shirt out, she swerved back, slowly taking her seat at the desk. The nurse, who I'd almost even forgotten was there with me, walked up to Lisa, wordlessly cuffing her to the desk as per usual. All the while Lisa kept looking into my eyes.

I sat down mimicking her actions, my mind notable to process independent basic thought, it seemed.

"Good eveni..."

"Are you wearing perfume, Ruby Jane?" she interjected, her tone holding amusement.

I was taken aback by her sudden revelation.Well, I'd expected for Lisa to notice at one point or another, but I'd never given a thought to what I'd say, lest I was confronted. With a slight flush of the cheeks, I began.

"Yes..I...I always do, Ms. Manoban."

Lisa's grin only broadened.

"Lies, Ruby Jane, all lies."

She drew herself closer, leaning more into the table, "Is that lipstick you're wearing, Ruby Jane?"

I unthinkingly sunk my teeth into the bottom lip softly. Of course Lisa has noticed.I internally cursed at myself for even doing this. For putting my hair into an intricate braid I'd looked up online. For wearing a dress that had been lying in the back of my closet for years. For putting on makeup to hide the evidence of my sleepless nights, making my cheeks and lips more rosy.

"You sure are something, Ruby Jane."

I glimpsed into her eyes for a second, the blue in them drowning me into the deep ocean abyss in a breath.

What is happening to me?

My mind whirled.

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