Chapter 123

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I couldn't tell whether she was mocking me or not. The way Lisa's gravelly voice dipped low, with no discernible emotion on her face and did not give away what was going on in her mind.

"Get away from me." I hissed. Lisa let go, drawing back at once. It was then that I finally, had a good look of Lisa, for the first time since I'd foolishly gave my virginity to her.

The shadows under her eyes had deepened, giving her flawless visage a beat look. Even with her broad shoulders, and sculpted forearms, I could tell she had lost weight. Her hair was longer than I remembered, her skin milky pale, clearly not having seen the sun in a while.

"Are you going to kill me Lisa?" I spoke, my voice softer, my eyes glassy but not spilling down yet.

She took her time studying my face, searching for something. "Yes."

I only nodded, biting down on my lower lip to prevent crying out loud. I wasn't going to cry. If fear was what Lisa craved, then I refused to give her that satisfaction. For once in my life, I refused to be weak. I only prayed to be buried beside my sister.

Suddenly, Lisa rose from her seat, walking over to me. She reached into the back pocket of her pants, producing a small switchblade. My face blanched, breath hitching in my throat. The silver blade was brought down just a few centimetres from my neck. And just as I thought Lisa was going to slash my throat, instead, the knife tore into the woollen material of my turtleneck. I looked at her with wide eyes as she sliced open the sweater like it was a plain rag. As she peeled off the layer from my body, it dawned on me what was happening.

"Oh my god," I breathed, hyper vigilant. "Stop, w... what are you doing!?" In school, I had learnt about the two responses of the human body to distressing situations, Flight or Fight. I could either make a run for it, or try to overpower this tall, knife-wielding seasoned killer. But no one had ever taught me anything about the third response - Freeze.

I was petrified, frozen in my spot, it seemed as she undressed me until I was left in a ribbed, full-sleeved but thin top only. Lisa didn't touch my jeans, as she rose back up. My chest relaxed, relieved, but then confusion took over quickly. The fuck is she doing?

My puzzled gaze followed Lisa back into the chair, where she sank back down with her arms crossed. I was suddenly immensely aware of the crisp winter air circulating in the room. The cold was creeping upon my now poorly shielded skin.

"One last time," her voice began unwaveringly, "Let's play a game. You answer a question and I'll answer one of yours. Truthfully."

Let's play a game.

KILL THIS LOVE | JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now