Chapter 72

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Shannon Williams woke up slowly, quite like she was used to on a daily basis, serene but drowsy.

Except, instead of her plain white satin sheets, she found herself sitting over a pool of dried blood, strapped to a wooden chair with what felt like tape. She attempted to open her mouth to let out a blood curdling scream, only to realize that her lips too had been shut close with duct tape.

She thrashed around, in hopes that the restraints would fall off, yet she only succeeded in rocking the chair sideways to a few centimetres. Fruitless tears rolled down her cheeks, nothing but muffled sobs emerging from her throat, as she sat trying to understand her predicament.

It was only with the sound of the creaking wooden floorboard, that she looked up. Her eyes were met with a pair of brilliant blue ones, bluer than the waters of the Ullswater Lake back in her hometown.

"I.... I do...n't... u... un... der... stand... ple.. ase.... please... so.. meone." She mumbled, her words not coming out coherently, owing it to the tape on her lips.

Soon, the person's face registered in her mind as the one she'd agreed to leave with last afternoon. The person who was supposed to be the young foreign exchange student's guide for the day. But was it even afternoon? It only struck her then that she had no idea how long she'd been out for, or what could have happened in all that time.

She mumbled a string of words, it all sounding like hysterical gibberish, as she pleaded aimlessly. The person looked at her straight, with not even an ounce of emotion displayed.

It was then that the piece of tape on her mouth began to fall loose due to all the saliva. With a sharp jerk of the head, Shannon was finally able to shake off the tape, looking up at the person again with tempest in her eyes.

"Fuck... you!" She had only just started to curse at her captor, when her eyes landed on the butcher knife that was gripped in her abductor's right hand. She stopped at once, her eyes bulging at the sight of the weapon. She glimpsed at the person's face once, then back at the knife, then back to her captor's face as she started to shake her head rapidly, screaming at the top of her lungs.

Shannon thrashed around maddeningly as the person walked closer to her. She shut her eyes close, her nose running as she pleaded for her life.


She reluctantly opened her eyes as she heard her imprisoner say her name in a grave tone. They had talked before last evening, but today this voice held something it didn't seem to have last night. Madness.

Her captor seemed nothing like the person she met yesterday. Yesterday this person was charming, kind, polite and had a god-sculpted face. Today the person in front of her looked like a demon. Perhaps, it is what her abductor's true form was.

As her captor raised the knife, to strike at her stomach. Shannon screamed for her mother and instinctively shut her eyes. Nothing came. She opened them, only to find her captor gone, the knife plainly lying on the floor in front of where she sat.

She blinked a few times and had only started to wonder what wicked game she'd landed herself in, when a hand landed on her shoulder, making her yelp.

It was her captor, the devil with the blue eyes. Standing before her once again. This devil of a spawn was now bent down on the knees, matching Shannon's eye level. Her face lost the remainder of its colour as she now spotted a hammer in her captor's hand.

Her imprisoner placed a hand on her constrained one, brushing over the surface softly.

"Let's play a game." Her captor said.

Shannon couldn't understand what was going on, but the sadistic smile that had curled up on her captor's lips, set off all kinds of red sirens in her head.

"You wanted to learn Korean, don't you?"

She broke down into a bawling mess.

Her abductor's smile widened, "For every sentence you get wrong, my little English Rose," her captor's fingers brushed over her knuckles, laughing dementedly at the nickname that was given to Shannon, "I break one of your teeny little fingers. And when we have none left..."

The demented person's guttural laughter rang all across the rotting room.

"Let's begin, shall we?"

Shannon Williams had never been much of a theist, but right now, in her head she began to say every prayer she'd been taught in school.

"Say in Hangul... Shannon has been a very bad girl."

She shook her head, "Please.... stop... let me go. Please... Li ..."

She called her captor by the name that was given to her yesterday, as she pleaded for mercy. But before she could continue her pleas, her abductor let out a dramatic sigh, while shaking one's head condescendingly.

Her captor gazed back at her, brushing back a strand of her hair that had fallen on her face and smiled.

"Wrong answer."

Shannon almost didn't have the time to see the hammer being smashed down on her index finger.

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