Chapter 114

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"You see that outside? That's a police car." I voiced, finally getting the attention of the man as he turned to peek behind him. As he looked back at me, I crossed my arms in a challenging stance, "You know, I could just go outside and tell them about all this illegal activity happening inside this premise," I paused, pointing a finger towards the ceiling, from where the obnoxious moaning noise was still seeping through.

Now, I couldn't be sure about the fact that all the people in the rooms were soliciting sex from prostitutes. They could have just been nice couples caught in a snowy day. However, judging by the blanching of the man's face right in front of me, I'd say my guess was about right.

He gnashed his teeth in frustration, narrowing his eyes at me, "What do you want?"

"Just look through your register and tell me if you've had an A.G. Pym in room 306 before."

He sighed, half-rolling his eyes again, "Look, I'll save us both some time. Yeah, that guy," He pointed to my phone, ".. Has been here a couple times, okay. But not in a while."

"Was he here with someone?" my voice came in a whisper.

"Isn't that why you're here?" He replied dryly.

"I mean, what did the person look like?"

He sat down on the chair behind the desk, swerving around dramatically.

"Probably in her 40s, Dark hair, her eyes were like a greyish blue."

"Wait, her?" I blinked. And then my eyes went wide. Dark hair. In her 40s. Light blue eyes.

So-yeon. No, this can't be. I darted my head around the corners of the room slowly.

"Looking for cameras? If you didn't notice this isn't the Hilton sweetheart." He jibed sardonically.

I still couldn't wrap my head around the idea of So-yeon having to do anything with any of this mess. She'd always been a ray of sunshine, the only person who could come close to understanding my situation.But had she been pulling my strings all this while? "Thank you," I mumbled quickly, turning to leave, still daunted by my revelation.

"Wait." The man called out from behind me, making me swivel back around. "Goddamnit." He swore under his breath and then looked up at me. "The woman, she'd come here before the guy. So she signed the register. I can give you a name."

I nodded slowly, the guy then turning to look through one register, flipping the pages until he found what he was looking for, handing me the book. Written in neat, cursive handwriting; ELLEE.

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