Chapter 92

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It was no longer just an ominous noise, but my name positively whispered in an unearthly manner. My head shot to my sides, my system starting to grow all jittery. Not one person seemed to be looking my way, let alone calling for me.

"On one occasion, as recalled by Yoo Young-chul, his ex-wife called him a 'worthless twat' in front of her family, later privately taunting him about how no girl could possibly want him and how she was unfortunate enough to end up marrying him."

As I refocused my gaze to the screen, I couldn't help but notice something off immediately. On one of the photos, the woman's hair was different. Instead of the pixie hairdo that I could have sworn I'd seen on her just a few minutes ago, now was a long length of frizzy hair that went past her shoulders. I inclined my head in pure confusion, leaning forwards in my seat as I tried to figure out what was happening.

It was then that the facial features of the woman started to distort. Her bulbous nose turned to a slim, pointy one, the lines and wrinkles on her face started to dissipate as her visage started to appear more youthful. The photographic fake smile was gone from her lips, in its place, an uncanny foreboding sneer.

I watched in pure horror as the words on the screen written below the picture – Jamie Park, evaporated to smoke, turning into another set of thunderous letters right in front of my eyes.

Dara Kim.

A shiver moved down my shoulder blades at the sight of the menacing look on her face. I clutched the sides of the desk tightly, as I felt the ghost of merciless fists, the grating lashes of leather belts come alive on my skin once again. I shut my eyes close desperately, balling my hands into fists, breathing in and out rapidly.

This isn't real.

This isn't real.

I then opened my eyes, my sight being met with the photo of Jamie Park in my view. Everything was in its place. Suddenly, the lights in the room came on, the students breaking into chatter with each other.

"We'll talk more about Yoo's relationship with his other family members in detail tomorrow. Seminar is dismissed." As others started getting up from their seats, I sat in my place harrowingly, chest heaving heavily. My mouth was covered with my palm, as I tried making sense of what had just happened.

But sometimes, missing pieces of a puzzle just cannot fall into place so easily.

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