Chapter 46

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In an attempt to not make this anymore awkward than it was, I cleared my throat. Awkwardly.

"We should start with the questions."

"Yes, we should." Lisa drew back into her seat, hunter like eyes never leaving mine. "Do you ever get nightmares, Ruby Jane?"

I let out an exasperated breath, shaking my head. "I thought we were over this Ms. Manoban."

Lisa grinned without uttering a word, eyes raking along my every move.

I relented. "Not really, no."

I half expected Lisa to see through my blatant lie in an instant, but she didn't. Instead, she heaved a small sigh.

"I do." she turned her head away, her gaze settling on her metal bound hands. "I think they tell me about who I am."

And just like that, the curiosity to solve this puzzle, was back and raging in me.

"W...what do you see?" my voice came out raspier than I'd presumed.

"Fire." Lisa blinked, as if though, in a daze, "I see fire. I hear people screaming."

I glanced at the time, half tempted to move on from that topic, as I opened my file with the intent of getting answers for the standardized questions. But I couldn't. Not after what I'd just discovered. I took a deep breath, "Is that how you got those..those scars?"

A muscle in Lisa's jaw ridged, "I don't know, maybe. I had them when I woke up in the hospital."

I looked at her, blinking a few times in sheer confusion, "What hosp..."

"My turn." Smoothly cutting me off, Lisa drummed her fingers on the table, her electric eyes finally connecting with mine. "Why are you wearing that dress?"

My mind began scrutinizing my heart's irrational decision to not look worn out for once. For someone. "I knew it. I look silly, don't I?" I mumbled to myself, dropping my gaze down on my lap. I knew I shouldn't have. I prepared myself to be taunted for this, for the rest of my time in this place.

"You look exquisite, like always. That dress appears more divine on you."

My cheeks blazed up. I was thankful to not be looking into Lisa's eyes at that moment, because help me Lord, if I glanced at Lisa Manoban at that moment, I would lose myself without a doubt. I peered up slowly, and of course, I was met with the sight of her piercing eyes, deep in thought it seemed.

What could she possibly be thinking about all the time, while looking at me?

Probably plotting my death, spoke my subconscious. It wasn't a thought foreign to me. What was stopping a brutal killer from reaching over the table and snapping my neck with her bare hands?

Not trying to pay much attention to my mouth suddenly going dry, I took a second to collect myself before moving along with a question doing rounds in my mind.

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