Chapter 59

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I whipped out my phone in hopes of getting my roommate Nancy to pick me up, but just as luck would have it, the signal was crap. Suddenly, a weight as if, was lifted from my shoulder when I spotted Tzu-yu from my Biology class. We had never ever talked really, but at that moment, to me it was as if a drought had come to an end.

Tzu-yu smiled as her eyes met mine. She sauntered over, a little too animatedly.


I opened my mouth to correct her, when Tzu-yu was suddenly bent over to a side, puking the contents of her stomach all over the wooden floor. Perfect. Just, perfect.

A few girls stumbled over to Tzu-yu, helping her get up. Sighing deeply, I decided to find Mino. As I was about to swerve around to head back in there, I spotted a little makeshift bar with various cups and bottles spread out on top. All this loud music was making my head hurt, so I decided to get myself some water first.

"Um, hey excuse me?" I called out to the boy behind the counter. As I got a good glance of his face, I recognized the boy, I'd seen him on campus before, but I didn't know his name.

"Hey." He said back, "So, whatcha gonna have princess? We've got Patron, Jägerbombs, Buckshots."

"Oh, uh.." I shook my head, "I just want some water, that's all."

He scoffed, "Water? What, you hungover already?"

I contemplated whether or not to tell the boy that I'd never had as much a sip of alcohol in my entire life; but then decided otherwise. "Something like that." I swerved to see if I could spot Mino anywhere, my fingers more fidgety than ever. Nope. That was precisely the point where I had firmly decided that I'd rather freeze to death in the cold than ever attend a party full of drunk teenagers ever again.

"There you go." The guy handed me a solo cup. I mumbled a small thanks and brought the cup to my lips, taking a big greedy gulp in order to soothe my parched mouth. The moment the liquid hit my taste buds and burnt its way down my throat, my eyes widened and I tore my hand away from my mouth frantically.

I peeked inside the cup, praying to god it wasn't what I thought it was. The moment my sight met the bubbly topaz tinted liquid, I knew I'd had it. "This isn't water." I turned back to him, my tone as icy and bitter as it could possibly get.

"It's a broke student version of Long Island iced tea. Kinda the same thing princess."

My lips parted in distaste, "Are you kidding me?" I huffed in vexation, as I walked away to find the nearest washroom. The drink had left an awful bitter aftertaste in my mouth, and I needed it off me immediately.

Fortunately for me, there was a bathroom not that far away, and even better, no line. I made my way to it, and slammed the door open, treading on my last nerve.

There were three girls in there, talking about something in hushed tones, while all the stalls were occupied.

The girls paid no attention to me as I went over to a wash basin, turning on the faucet. I was sure to rinse my mouth in a bid to get rid of any trace of the revolting drink.

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