Chapter 55

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"Jennie Kim."

Professor Lee stated plainly, while continuing to do the paperwork she had her eyes fixated on. It was creepy in a way, how she could tell who it was without even looking up.

"Morning, Professor Lee." I spoke in a low voice. I waited for a minute for her to say back something. When she didn't reply, I took it as my cue to continue."You wanted to have a word with me?"

"Sit." Professor Lee still continued to write away. "We were informed of what happened on Saturday. That was very unfortunate." She looked up finally, pushing her glasses back on the bridge of her nose, "Have you received an e-mail from Daenam PsychiatricInstitution?"

An e-mail? That would be an understatement to say the least. I had received six e-mails in total, apologizing for what had happened three days ago. While all of them reeked of concern for my wellbeing and my safety, it was quite obviously an attempt to avoid a potential lawsuit.

"Yes." I nodded.

"Good, you may resume from Monday."

My stomach whirled suddenly. Was I hearing it right? I shook my head, "But..but Professor Lee? I don't think you understand, I was almost choked to death." I tried to keep my tone low, but little hints of vexation surfaced in my voice. "I don't plan on pressing charges or anything, but...but you can't just expect me to waltz right back in there like nothing happened."

Professor Lee only raised an eyebrow, "And why not? We've conferred with the board and we've been assured there won't be any sort of negligence again. Measures have been taken. The guard on duty has been fired, and you won't even be alone for your sessions anymore, you'll have some staff with you at all times. That's a lot of cooperation on their part." She said, turning back to the page she was working on.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. But it was Professor Lee, and changing her mind was harder than finding the ZodiacKiller's identity. I sighed, "Professor Lee, look, I'm more than halfway through with the profile. Matter of fact, I don't even need those sessions anymo..."

"Miss Kim, are you suggesting you hand in an incomplete file?" She closed the copy she was working on, inclining her chin up to look at me sternly. "Because if you are, you may as well not hand in one at all."

I was beyond words at Professor Lee's indifference. A small gasp of disbelief left my mouth.

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