Chapter 155

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My mouth fell open in horror as Nancy whimpered in agony, forced to stand with her back pressed against Mino's chest, sticking her exposed neck out as her head was held taut to the back.

For a second, my gaze found Lisa's, silently begging her to help me. Lisa's face did not change in the slightest, hollow eyes remaining aloof and distant as she looked right back at me. I had no space for being disappointed or broken hearted, for time was of the essence; so I turned to Mino.

"Mino," I began, before swallowing tepidly, easing my shoulders as I raised my palm, reaching out towards his direction, "Liam, please don't do this. It's not too late. L... let Nancy and I go, you and Lisa can get out of town..."

I was interjected, not by words, but by the most sinister smile I had ever seen in my entire life, one that reached down to my soul and rattled it by its core, heralding a gust of cold despair. Nancy must have felt it too, for she stopped fighting, giving up, as only silent tears rolled down her cheeks.

Bringing his lips to Nancy's ears, he whispered sadistically, "Miss Mcdonie, until next time."

And before I could as much utter another syllable, Mino extended his arm across Nancy's ear, a piece of metal in his clutch, glaring against the lights.

"No!" I wailed, but it was too late. The cool tip of the knife pierced the side of Nancy's neck, as Mino dragged the blade across her throat slowly. Blood spurted out of the slit, gushing down Nancy's collarbones, spilling on the linoleum like waterfalls. Nancy's mouth parted open, a guttural sound leaving what was left of her throat, as she agonizingly choked on her own blood.

I was frozen. Nancy's eyes, staring right at me, were slipping out of life and there was nothing I could do. Nothing.

I could only stand there and watch as though it was my mother who backhanded my 7 year old sister across the face, making me fall on my knees, crying out woefully. It wasn't unusual at this point, having become a wretched part of the two sisters' daily routine. But what was unusual this time around was how Dara, high as a horse, decided to reach for the frying pan down by the stove, and smack it right across the child's temple in rage, knocking her out cold.

Dara then slumped down back on the wooden floor, proceeding to desperately snort the haphazard white lines. A few minutes passed, as I realized Ella wasn't moving. I approached my sister's supine form, alarmed at the sight of blood trickling down her ear. She wasn't breathing. I shook her, I shook her by her arm, her chest; but nothing. Ella just wouldn't wake up.

And there was nothing I could do. Nothing.

Wrung back into the present with a deafening thud, I realized Mino had let go of Nancy's lifeless body and it had dropped to the floor like a sack of dead weights.

Horror-struck, my brain finally apprehended what was to come next, triggering my flight response.

Unfortunately for me though, just as I had barely made one step away from the kitchen, that I felt a dark presence loom around me. It wasn't Lisa I first saw by my side, but Mino who was charging at me with the knife he had in his grip. Arm raised, aimed at me.

The flat hilt of the knife came down on the side of my head, the damning force knocking me out cold at once.

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