Chapter 49

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"Miss Kim."

I peeked up from my phone, only to see the familiar face of Doctor Han smiling, as he extended a hand out for me. I stood up quickly, shaking his hands as I greeted him.

"Would you please follow me?" He said, albeit it wasn't much of a request. He turned on his heels almost immediately, as he began to move without waiting for me. I blinked in confusion for a second, before pacing up to keep up with Doctor Han.

"Your assignment is going well, I trust?"

"For the most part, yes." I cleared my throat, "Uh...Doctor Han, I was wondering if I could ask you something aboutLisa's past?"

"Sure, but I must warn you, any piece of information we have regarding her life is very vague and unverified."

I nodded, "Well, has she happened to talk about a fire ever before?"

Doctor Han paused, turning to me, "Lisa has burn scars, yes, if that's what you're at, but it's been inquired and she has never mentioned any relevant incident before. We think she may have gotten them while lighting one of the victims on fire."

I licked my lips, confusion and despair crawling up in my chest, making it hard to think with a clear head. Why hadn't Lisa told the doctors about the fire nightmares yet? I was just going in to ask him about the nightmares, when I realized Doctor Han had missed the turn to the hall that led to Lisa's room; instead, walking towards a new set of corridors I had never been to previously.

"Are we not going to Lisa's room?" I could barely contain the perplexity that dripped from my voice.

"Ms. Manoban requested for some time in the recreation room today." Doctor Han spoke in a monotone, as he continued to walk down the sombre corridors.

"Oh..okay." I mumbled in uncertainty.I vaguely, but most definitely remembered Lisa cussing out the mere thought of the 'Recreation Room' in one of our sessions.Why would she even request to be there?

As Doctor Han came to a halt, so did I, while glancing at the glass door in front of us that read 'RECREATION' in bold, white letters. He opened the door for me, ushering me inside quickly. I didn't even get to thank Doctor Han, as he closed the gates briskly.

I slowly turned around, letting in the sight that was pieced before me. Maybe it was murderous, raging-mad entities in blood splattered clothes that I had expected to be there, fighting like a hungry pack of lions in the savannahs; but to my relief, it was nothing like my grisly imagination.

Sat on the scattered food-hall style tables, were normal people doing normal things. An old woman sat on the first table alone, knitting what seemed like a baby sized sweater. Two younger girls sat in a corner, chattering like you'd expect them to in a high school cafeteria.Not a psychiatric institution.

My eyes scanned through the small crowd of people dressed in blue, until my sight was laid on the person that I came here for.

Lisa's face was serene, as she channelled her pure attention to swirling the thin brush that was clutched in her hands, onto the canvas. An array of colour pots was triaged before her, almost appearing rainbow-like on the mess of papers that were scattered under them.

She looked heavenly calm; but in the moment her eyes met mine, I could clearly see the fire that years of psychotherapy had failed to diminish.

She looked straight at me, "Ruby Jane."

Unsure of what to do, I quietly took the vacant seat across her.

"Lisa." I acknowledged.

My gaze flew to the subject of Lisa's attention.The canvas was painted dark, almost resembling an unlit night sky. I couldn't quite make out what she was painting, but whatever it was, it felt intense.

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