Chapter 161

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I opened my eyelids, glancing at the glass shard, then back at Liam. Our eyes connected, and my lips curled into a faint smile. I let go of his wrist, letting him plummet the knife into my skin; only I twisted my torso to the side just in the nick of time, so the blade landed in my shoulder. Letting out a guttural cry, I grabbed on to the piece of glass and in a flash, drove it right into the side of Liam's neck, effectively slicing his carotid artery.

The action took Liam by surprise; his eyes widening in what appeared to be fear, as his hands went to touch the wound on his neck. Some of the gushing blood dripped onto my face. Still in shock, rapidly losing blood, he began rising up.

"Jen..." As that breathy word left his mouth, I saw a glimpse of my best friend. One that had been with me through the good and the bad for two whole years. Unfortunately, he was never real.

"Rot in fucking hell Liam."

Not wasting a second, I ferally slashed at his thigh, aiming for his femoral artery. Blood soaked through his linen pants like a stream. Taking one last look at me, glazed eyes slowly rolling back, the actual Seoul Ripper collapsed down to the ground.

The glass slipped from my grasp, breaking into tiny beads, my fingers now quivering as I continued to stare at the dead body, thick blood collecting all around his limbs, eyes high to the stars.

Suddenly a sharp ache to my side reminded me of the fact that there was a giant knife sticking out of my shoulder. I pulled myself up on my feet with whatever fight I had left in me, vacant eyed, as I began slugging out of the room, limping.

The moment I left the room, a sea of fire engulfed my vision, everything to my right set aflame. There was not a part in my body that did not hurt, but the only thing spurring me forward was knowing freedom was so close. I began making my way to the entrance on my left, the fire sizzling in the background.

As I reached the door, I found Lisa, just like I'd left her, sprawled on the floor, everything around her pooled in blood, staining everything an unholy shade of red. With ragged breath, unthinkingly, I went to hoist Lisa's body up; crying out as my injured shoulder feeling as if it would tear right off.

Tears of defeat stung my eyes as I realized there was a high possibility Lisa was already dead. Drunk on despair and disillusionment, I slumped back down to the floor against her torso, desperate to hear the rise and fall of her chest.

Small droplets of moisture streamed down my bruised cheeks as I didn't feel her breathe, I couldn't even see her face. My legs refused to carry me any longer. Maybe this is the hell I deserved, I thought, the hellfire we both deserved.

Dante's hell froze, John Milton's hell burned. I knew I had now been to both. I closed my eyes, having accepted justice as I was waiting for the fire to do what it does best; cleanse.

My life did not flash in front of my eyes. On the contrary, for the first time in my entire life I felt at peace, tranquil as my brain made no sound. It was only Lisa, me and the night. Nothing in between.

And suddenly, just like that, a melange of loud noises penetrated my ears, making my exhausted eyes crinkle up in confusion. The sound, it felt familiar, I just couldn't quite put a finger on it yet. And then it struck me; sirens. Bright lights flashed in the dead of the night as fire fighters, paramedics and police all arrived at the scene. I couldn't believe my eyes.

It was just like that night. The one where I'd almost lost my life to a syringe of heroin. But I made it. For Ella.

I was falling in and out of consciousness, not knowing how or when I was lifted up on a gurney. The medics, they were saying something to me, talking amongst themselves; but I heard none of it.

Straining my neck to the side, I found another gurney parallel to mine, a certain body on top of it. Lisa's face was serene, death agreed with her perhaps. I do love Lisa, and in my heart I knew, in her own sick, sociopathic way, Lisa loved me too.

"We have a pulse," The medic by Lisa's side suddenly exclaimed.

My breathing almost went haywire for a second, wondering if I was hallucinating, but as I witnessed them putting an oxygen mask to Lisa's face, I almost died a happy death then and there.

That was all I needed to hear, letting my lips tug upwards softly as I finally closed my eyes to let the darkness take over, smiling at the night sky, as the night sky smiled right back at me.

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