Chapter 126

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I'd only begun protesting, when I felt Lisa's palm jam against my back, pushing me out of the door frame, onto the ground. The ice pelted against my flesh stung like a motherfucker. I wailed out, the cold searing into my system.

"You have 5 minutes. Save yourself if you can kitten, you won't get 9 lives." Lisa declared, slamming the door close with a deafening sound. The first thirty second, I stayed supine on the ground like I'd been left, only later it registered what a sticky situation I was neck deep in. I had to run for my life.

Picking myself up quickly, I began slogging through the snow. I couldn't possibly sprint like I'd want to. The wind howled and nipped at my skin. It made it harder to breathe, my lungs suddenly weighed down like a sack of bricks. Not to mention, the fear of inevitable death loomed around my head.

My feet felt like they were getting sliced apart, the thin canvas shoes were not doing too well in the surroundings. My chest burnt as I made it into the forest. I was sure as hell the five minutes were up, but I refused to look back. I stumbled around the white path cluelessly, never having been to this part of Seoul before. These were unfamiliar territories that I had to make out of alive. With that in mind, I decided to keep to the only clear path in between two dense belts of trees.

The adrenaline was starting to wear down. My body, as if, suddenly realized I hadn't had any food or water for many hours, andI was exhausted. I had to slow my pace down, trudging around the path aimlessly with my arms still enfolded around myself, my mouth achingly dry.

It was like I'd found an oasis in a scorching desert when my eyes connected with the outline of a dark hued car a few feet ahead of where I was. I begrudgingly made my way over to it. The old Chevy was beat up, a huge dent taking up one of its entire sides. My fingers stung as they touched the frost that had collected on the handle of the door, eliciting a hiss of pain from me.

A loud sound of heavy weight sloshing in the ice reached my ears. Shit! Lisa was getting close. I jerked the door open, climbing inside the backseat quickly. I was thankful the windows were completely covered in ice flakes. Nevertheless, I did duck down, positioning my body on the flooring, my back against the door; not before manually locking the doors of the vehicle.

My body shivered violently, whether it was from the relentless cold or the head-splitting fear, I didn't know. Several minutes passed as I sat cooped up against the door, my head buried in my knees, lips moving in prayer, slightly fogging up the space. I didn't hear anything. The darkness coming through the frosted windows had started lifting, indicating that the wee dawn was soon to break.

The thought lit up a warm feeling in my stomach.Did I do it? Have I survived the night? I almost didn't hear the sickly shrill sound of the window shattering just above my head. Hundreds of shards rained down upon me, as I let out a shriek.

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