Chapter 153

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Special agent Lee Seung-gi was a man of patience.

What he was not, was a man of niceties. He sat on a flimsy chair, lips set in a straight, thin line as he waited on Sergeant Cha. That quarter of the station was mostly empty, except for the exceptionally tall woman that sat on a desk a few feet away from him, Sergeant Cha by her side as they discussed something. Detective Kim, he recalled her name. A pretty face.

Agent Lee glanced at his watch again, about to voice a snarky comment out loud when Sergeant Cha finally began making his way over to him. Biting back the tart jibe that was at the tip of his tongue, "Sergeant." He extended a hand out, "All good? You seem... rather preoccupied."

"Agent Lee." He acknowledged, shaking his hand. "Well, truth be told, we caught a weird one today." Instantly knowing that 'a weird one' referred to a case, his interest was piqued, as he raised a brow, "Really, how weird?"

Sergeant Cha hesitated, never having particularly liked the KCIA. But then he remembered the talk their captain had with the officers about welcoming and cooperating with the agents. "There's been a string of grave robberies. A couple, we suspected. We caught them in the act last night."

"Is that what Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency considers weird?" Agent Lee snickered.

Sergeant Cha sighed, "The grave they were in the process of digging, turns out had two corpses. Someone put a second body in there."

Agent Lee pursed his lips, leaning back in the chair, "Hiding a body in the one place no one would think to look. Damn, that's smart." Sergeant Cha could only give him a cursory nod, "Yeah, we're waiting on the lab results. They should have been here ten minutes ago." Waving a hand in the air, "Enough about that. Tell me Agent Lee, how can our department help you?"

"Well, as you know we have a team specially stationed here for the Lisa Manoban case and I was hoping to go over the de..."

"What in the actual fuck?" A sharp voice sounded from beside them.

"All okay Detective Kim?" The sergeant called out.

The woman, Detective Kim, stared at her computer screen in what can only be described as unadulterated shock. "The lab just sent their test results in. The body, they found a match in the criminal database." She looked up, meeting both Sergeant Cha's and Agent Lee's eyes.

"It belongs to Mino Song."

"Mino Song?" Sergeant Cha scrunched up his brows in perplexity, "Isn't it that blonde airhead we interviewed initially last year?"

"He's a friend of Jennie Kim." It was Agent Lee who chimed in.

"The body is three years old. The boy died when he was about seventeen; dead by blunt force trauma to the head." She read from the report.

Silence fell all over the station.

"How is that possible?" Agent Lee spoke, a look of befuddlement now on his own face. "We've interviewed him in person, talked to his family. Besides, he was on campus today. The lab must have made a mistake."

Sergeant Cha practically sprinted over to Detective Kim's desk. "You said he was in the criminal database?" She nodded, "Yeah, for a vandalism charge three years ago. Got community service, it says."

"Can you pull up a photo?"

She nodded, clicking away on the keyboard. Soon enough, on her incandescent screen, there was the photo of a blue-eyed, blonde boy.

Perhaps, had the Sergeant not looked too closely, he would have never noticed it was a different person than the one they'd come to know as Mino Song. With eerily similar facial features, the boy was almost a splitting image of the latter.

"Agent," He turned to Agent Lee, "You said you talked to his family?"

"Yeah, his father, some asshole millionaire in Jeju. Told me he pays for his son's education but they have not seen or spoken to each other since the vandalism thing."

And like that, it all fell into place.

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