Chapter 76

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Jennie Ruby Jane Kim didn't even know what to feel anymore.

Professor Yang, a short, stout man, had been going on and on about Class A Drugs for the past forty five minutes, not once paying any attention to the girl that sat in the back, tears threatening to spill down her pale face at the slightest little manoeuvre.

Her eyes were blurry, her composure on the verge of shattering down like fragile shards of glass. Blood stained shards of glass. As Professor Yang went on about the adversities of LSD, Jennie shut her eyes close firmly, biting down on her twitching lip in order to prevent herself from bawling at any given ineluctable moment.

Once she was positive that her eyes wouldn't be pouring down, she opened them slowly. Her glassy view only consisted of the balding Professor Yang, and only the handful of students who had bothered to show up to the morning class. Jennie hadn't comprehended one word out of the entirety of the lecture. All that revolved in her mind was one, singular thought.

She had been used.

The events of the previous night kept replaying in her head like a lucid nightmare, the clutches of dread weighing down on the last standing fragments of her sanity. Returning from So-yeon's house last night had felt nothing short of walking on a tight rope.

With her nerves pumped with pure trepidation, she could only hope that what she knew, would magically all turn out to be false. "Lisa wouldn't", She told herself, in tormented attempts of persuading her thumping heart.

She had almost torn down the door to her dorm room in vivid perturbation, darting straight to the closet. As obsessive as Jennie was about neat organization, at that moment; all of her clothes were flung to the floor mindlessly, one after another.

When the jacket she wore on Friday night over her dress, finally landed in her sight, the pockets were pulled inside-out in a swift motion. Her stomach twisted into knots as she discovered that the pockets were as empty as a deserted alley. An inkling of hope that she previously had, took its first, serious hit.

Looking over to the mess she had made, she practically dove in headfirst, the search for an atypical, lone piece of metal getting more frantic by the second. The room was thoroughly trashed within a matter of minutes, but the key was nowhere to be found.

Whatever remainder of hope that was left in Jennie's heart, took a final, agonizing blow. As if her legs would give out at any unpredictable second, Jennie had to involuntarily latch onto the wall for support.

With her back to the wall, her body slumped down on the floor, finally, breaking down. The girl wailed with intensities comparable to that of hurricanes. Her voice was broken as she sobbed, her heart already in pieces.

Jennie knew she had no one to blame for this, but herself. She cursed herself for thinking she could play with raging fire; as if sizzling flames could be tamed. Not once had she taken into consideration the foreboding embers, warning her that she was destined to burn.

'You have intrigued me Miss Kim.'

'Ruby Jane was truly the most beautiful name I've ever heard.'

'What are you doing to me Ruby Jane?'

'You are mine now, Ruby Jane.'

None of it ever meant anything. It was all part of Lisa Manoban's sick plan. A plan you were stupid enough to walk into, remarked her conscience cruelly.

The closest article within her reach happened to be a small tube of lipstick that she had bought not too long ago. Every undertone of her frustration was channelled through it, as the miniscule thing was hurled with bolting velocity across the room.

She had been used. The bitter realization was hard to swallow. Every bewitching sentence that had ever left Lisa Manoban's mouth was a carefully planned move. Her seductive demeanour had all been a ploy leading up to her escape, she concluded. An escape Jennie was unconsciously a part of. And now a girl was dead because of her.

And if there was even an ounce of truth to what she knew of Lisa Manoban, she was only just getting started. The city of Seoul wouldn't even know what hit it.

All this while, Jennie thought that she was playing a game with the devil. Turns out, she, was only but a mere pawn in Lisa's degenerate game. The first thing they'd ever been taught about psychopaths, was how they're all masters of manipulation. Twisting emotions and playing people like fiddlesticks came like second nature to them. Yet, with eyes wide open, she had let herself burn. Burn in the fire, that was Lisa Manoban.

With the sound of Professor Yang dismissing the class, Jennie was plummeted back to the present. With unfeeling hands, she gathered her books and stood up to leave, completely numb.

She loathed herself for letting this happen, letting herself walk into the arms of madness and now, she reaped what she had oh so monstrously sown.

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