Chapter 116

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The distinct sound of raptorial movement came from behind my form yet again, a shudder running down my back. Should I call 911? The idea sounded fitting, but what would I tell them? 'Hey police officer, I hear someone walking?'

Then, all of sudden I remembered. The police car. It always sat parked right near the garden, the centre of the campus, not too far from where I was now. With hope and relief both reinstated in my body, I picked up my pace, trudging my way swiftly and not looking back.

As the sight of the familiar white car with blue accents came into my view, I thanked the heavens, releasing a foggy breath of relief. The car was almost blanketed in snowflakes, its windows all frosted up. Therefore, I was thankful I was wearing thick gloves when I banged my palms at the driver's window like a mad woman. As no one answered my relentless knocks, a shaky breath left my mouth. Had the officer taken a break? But I couldn't just wait out in open.

With quivering hands, I reached for the door handle, hoping the car hadn't been locked. As the door scuffed open, I almost didn't have the time to perceive the loud thud with which a dark form slumped out of the seat, falling onto the snow covered ground.

An ear splitting scream left my mouth as I saw the body of the cop, lying limp face down on the snow, as thick liquid seeped out from underneath him and stained the white snow with the darkest, most unholiest shade of crimson.

My hand went to cover my mouth in shock, as my body involuntarily stepped backwards, my mind simply not functioning, not telling me what to do next. The ice in the air had nothing to do with the fact that my brain was frozen; it was pure, unadulterated fear. Spine-chilling, blood-curdling fear.

As I continued to take brisk, large steps behind me, out of the blue, I felt one of my feet step on something clearly lifted up from the ground, something like the form of another shoe. I twisted around at the speed of light, my heart that had been beating thrice as fast all this time, suddenly ceasing all motion, stopping immediately.

Seconds flicker by, as I continued to peer into the oh-so familiar set of eyes, the same ones that haunted my dreams. The night sky casted a shadow on her face, making her features appear darker, more diabolical than I had remembered. Her eyes appeared to be completely black, but the glimmer from the stars above shone upon the cerulean in them, making them shift from pitch black to azure, like liquid Alexandrite.

As my mind regained a bit of basic comprehension, I realized I was shivering, violently. "This is.. this isn't real." I whispered, closing my eyes, realizing it was just another one of my hallucinations. As I opened my eyes, the scene remained unmoving, for she was still there.

I was paralyzed with fear, as I watched her extend a hand out towards my face, a callous thumb dragging down my cheek gently, as she gazed back at me intently. The distinct scent of the summer's night breeze hit my nostrils. And then my gaze flickered downwards, her blood covered jacket coming into my vision, then the bloody knife that was clutched in her other hand. It was precisely at this moment that I snapped back into reality.

Lisa Manoban was standing right in front of me. She had killed a police officer and now she was here for me. With the sound of blood pumping in my ears furiously, I ran. My feet carried me through the snow like never before. In my mind, I was akin to a little antelope, trying to flee a voracious lion who was hell-bent on preying on me.

But then, as far as predators go, run does give chase, doesn't it? Thus, I had only gotten so far before a menacing pair of hands engulfed my little form completely. I felt my back being pushed into her chest, her hands going to my neck from behind me.

As I opened my mouth to scream, I felt the weight of both her arms on my neck, crushing the right spots just enough to not kill me, but make me cruelly gasp for air. My own hands fought to get her off of me, scratching and pushing, but to no effect. Soon enough, everything around me started to morph into the very shade of her eyes. The snow, my feet, her arms, all of it was turning black.

My legs couldn't stand straight anymore and I felt my body slug on the ground, her hands unmoving from the chokehold. And then, I started losing my last bit of consciousness, my hands ceasing their fight and falling limp by my side.

Ten seconds is all it takes for a human to fall unconscious when choked; but to me, the agonizing moments felt like a fever dream that had been going on for years. And in those dreams, only three colours prevailed, black, white and blue.

KILL THIS LOVE | JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now