Chapter 12

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"I like this side of yours, Ruby Jane. You should unleash it more often, I daresay," Lisa smirked sinisterly; "It makes me feel things."

I gulped. Knowing quite well what she was trying to do, I nevertheless held myself together.

"Psychopaths aren't capable of feeling that way, Ms. Manoban."

"Is that so?"

I averted my gaze to the floor, feeling the goose bumps rising on my skin.

"Well, I'll let you in on a secret." she leaned in closer.

"You have intrigued me Ruby Jane ." she breathed it out in a hushed voice.

I didn't like how she said my name with every sentence she spoke, as if to remind me of what it came with.

"So I'll do it, I'll cooperate for your project."

I looked up in a flash. Relief and surprise, both flooded my system, "Thank you Ms. Manoban, it means a..."

"On one condition."

Of course. The traces of the smile that was forming on my face, faltered at once. I should have known. Psychopaths love playing games. It was all just a giant, sick game to Lisa.

When I didn't say anything, Lisa continued, "For every question you ask me, I in return, get to ask you one." she insinuated in a low voice. "You know, quid pro quo Clarice."

"No. Absolutely not." I crossed my arms. I was not going to be a pawn in her twisted game, and sure as hell play no Hannibal Lecter games.

"Alrighty, then." she said in an almost sing- song tone, shrugging. "It was truly a pleasure meeting you Miss Kim. I wish you well for your future, as well as your degree."

I didn't fail to catch the ice in her words. The mockery. I exhaled grippingly. I was no stranger to the fact that Lisa Manoban was manipulating me, playing me with her words. She must have caught on to how desperately my degree meant to me.

It was at that moment, that the door was opened with a small, but unmistakable sound. A man in the periwinkle staff uniform walked in with a tray, motioning for me to leave. He set the tray on the desk, then walked over to Lisa's bed, wavering a beeping device all over it.

I realized it was some sort of a metal detector. Wouldn't be unusual in an insane asylum, after all. Then the orderly came over to where she sat, scanning the table and then Lisa; only then undoing the cuffs.

Not even attempting to put up the fight I thought she would, Lisa turned around mechanically, making her way straight to the bed behind the table wordlessly.

I got up from the chair, sparing one glance at the body of the person behind my restlessness. I pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration. If I didn't do the project, everything I had worked for all these years, everything I had put essential years of my life into, would all go to waste. I would be disappointed. I let out a low grunt in agitation, "Okay, fine! I agree."

There was no response.

"Ms. Manoban, I said I agree to your terms." I stressed, waiting for Lisa to say anything. I looked at the nurse, who just shrugged in response. Still, there was nothing but excruciating silence in the room.

I could see Lisa lying on her back, with her eyes closed. But it was too soon for her to humanly fall asleep. Which could only mean that she had made up her mind and was disregarding my words with intent. Which in turn meant I was going to fail the semester.

The nurse walked over to my side of the desk, speaking in hushed tones, as Lisa picked up a pill from the tray, "I'm sorry, you'll have to leave now."

I nodded, doing my best to ignore the moisture pooling in the corners of my eyes and reached for my files on the table, snatching them with an extra force. I couldn't stand the place anymore, so I turned to the door to leave for good, forever. That's when a low voice sounded from behind me.

"I'll be waiting on your questions Miss Kim."

I paused in my tracks and swivelled back, to see her still lying with her eyes closed. Yet the small upturn of her lips was ever so visible.

"Good night Ruby Jane."

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