Chapter 121

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For the second time in this godforsaken night, did the door swing open thunderously. It took every ounce of restraint I had in me, to not flinch at the sound I had come to dread in the four hours that had passed since the last ordeal, one that had left the skin on my fingers littered with nicks and lacerations.

The sound of brazen footsteps approaching my way sent my senses spiralling into overdrive. My eyes flew shut as I attempted to temper my breathing and stop sobbing, but the entirety of my command over my own body seemed to have been lost; and try as I may, I just couldn't help the shivers that made my limbs tremble not-so subtly, as I feigned sleep.

I felt Lisa's presence linger around my limp body on the chair, surely taking her time, assessing me. I tried my absolute best to not shift and squirm, or give myself away by letting a rogue tear roll down my face. But the minute I heard Lisa draw closer to my slumped form, my chest started heaving frightfully.

For all I knew, she was going to drive a screwdriver down my thigh to wake me up. At that point, I just didn't know what was possible with an unhinged psychopath and what wasn't. Days passed, months perhaps, as nothing happened. At least that's what it seemed like to me. Realistically, only a few minutes were spent as my heart rattled with anxiousness. I was half-tempted to take a quick peek at what was going on.

"You do not have to pretend to be asleep,Ruby Jane." The sound of Lisa's voice so close to my face really did a number on me, for then it wasn't only my body that was left quivering, but my mouth too. Slowly, I opened my lids, coming to face her.

Immediately I noticed there was something different about her. Her face, it was softer, more serene, than it had been the last I'd seen her a few hours ago. As she had steered the knife into my flesh, I could swear I had seen a flash of insanity in her eyes, a flash of Liam.But right now, Lisa appeared to be less out of it, she was less... manic. Nonetheless, she was still a murderer.

"Back the fuck away from me, you fucking psycho." I seethed, my broken voice barely audible, but the intent behind them as clear as day. I was done being afraid of death. The superficial dauntlessness stemmed from the fact that I had, in the last four hours of being left alone with my thoughts, come to terms with the fact that I was going to die. It was inevitable; sooner or later, I was going to end up in a criminal psychology case profile, much like my own ones.

Victimology, the section would read, Jennie RubyJane Kim, 20 years old.

Lisa blinked, breaking eye contact, her face falling for a split second, before composing her stoic demeanour yet again.Just like she had before I tried to lunge for the knife in her hands, Lisa bent down to finish what she started, this time cutting the tape that tied my legs to the chair. As she straightened up, I assumed she'd do the same to the fresh restraints on my wrists. But instead, she simply proceeded to grip me by the right arm and haul my body upright.

Lisa leaned in, peering down into my alarmed eyes, her grip firm in warning, "Don't even think about running Ruby Jane. You won't like what happens next."

I said nothing but stared back at her with unconcealed nerve-wracking fear in my stance, but also a hint of defiance.Only as she ushered me towards the door, it became apparent to me just how weak and fatigued I was. I had gone hours and hours without a drop of water or food, not to mention being bound in the same position. My muscles practically cried for help as I took those agonizing steps forward, wayward soft groans escaping my lips every once in a while.

Lisa led me out the door, out into another room.It was bigger, a bit brighter than the one I was kept in. This one had two windows with curtains drawn over them, and a door, a table and two chairs placed right in front of it. The walls and the floor were all wooden, making me conclude that it was likely I was being held in a cottage or cabin.

I cranked my neck up to the side, looking at Lisa with apprehension.

What did she plan on doing?

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