💗"Shut up" (Steve x Billy)

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Type- Fluff
⚠️Non-cannon, Billy's not a bitch & isnt posessed by the evil bitch, cussing⚠️
Count how many times the words "Shut up" is written and tell me in the comments😂
"Yo Hargrove, I have to get Dustin home soon isn't your shift almost over?" Steve yelled up to Billy as he sat in the lifeguard chair.

Billy looked over at the clock on the wall and saw that his shift was indeed over for the day before looking down at Steve with a smirk.

"Yeah it is pretty boy, give me a second to get down." His smirk staying in place when he saw Steve's cheeks dust pink at the nickname.

Steve rolled his eyes as Dustin laughed. "He called you pretty boy." He laughed, showing off his missing front teeth.

"Shut up Henderson." Steve mumbled as he gently shoved Dustin by the back of his head.

"Your blushing man!" Dustin laughed even harder making Steve's blush darken in embarrassment.

Before Steve could reply however, Billy wrapped his arms around his shoulders and leaned heavily against him causing Steve to stumble back some as he caught him.

"Aww, little Steve is blushing for me? That's adorable~" Billy purred into Steve's ear as he looked over at Dustin before sending him a wink.

Dustin continued laughing even harder then before, now weezing after seeing how flustured Steve had become.

"Shut up both of you. Go get changed so we can leave." Steve said, saying the last bit of his sentence to the boy leaning on him.

"Fine dad." Dustin huffed as he calmed down.

"Yeah, fine daddy." Billy whispered against Steve's ear before leaving to the lockerroom to go and change.

"Oh my God he has issues." Steve muttered with a shake of his head once Billy was out of earshot.

"Your just now learning this?" Dustin asked with a raised brow only getting a sigh and the shake of his head in responce.


Soon enough Billy came out of the lockeroom, changed and in his normal clothes aka a white tanktop and some shorts.

"Took you long enough, I have to take Dustin home, at this rate him mom isnt going to allow me to hang out with him anymore. Do you realise that you may be costing me the ability to hang out with my favorite child?" Steve ranted as they all began to walk to his car.

"Aww I'm your favorite?" Dustin teased even though he was actually kind of touched on the inside though he wouldn't want to show it on the outside.

"Well yeah Henderson, I thought everyone knew that already?" Steve said as he unlocked the car, everyone going inside of it; Steve in the driver's seat, Billy in the passengers seat and Dustin in the back.

"Aww look at Steve being a big softie~ I never thought I would see that happen." Billy commented as they began driving to Dustin's house.

"Oh shut up." Steve said for what seemed like the thousandth time that hour.

Billy chuckled lightly as he smiled admiringly at Steve.

He always admired the man, he was always great with all of the kids in the group, they all loved him. He was attractive and nice, and he was always one to put others first infront of himself.

The rest of the drive went pretty calmly, the radio playing softly in the background as everyone was left to their thoughts.


Once they got to Dustin's house, Steve parked in the driveway and got out before opening the door for Dustin and then Billy.

"Such a gentleman." Billy teased with a smile as he got out of the car.

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