💗Hoodie (Asahinoya)

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⚠️- Flustered Asahi, slight cussing, talk of being skinny shamed

Practice had just ended for the day and everyone was coming out of the changing rooms.

"TANAKA GIVE ME MY SHIRT BACK!" Noya yelled as Tanaka ran out of the gym waving Noya's shirt above his head.

"NOPE!" He yelled as he continued to run of of the gym leaving Noya in just his gym bottoms, socks, and shoes.

"Fuck It's cold!" Noya complained as he wrapped his arms around his torso.

"Language!" Suga called from the lockerroom, not seeing what was happening.

Noya huffed in annoyance as he watched Enoshita chase Tanaka around trying to get his shirt back.

"Here Noya, you can wear this until you get your shirt back." Asahi said calmly as he gave Noya his hoodie.

Noya's face brightened as he took the hoodie happily.

"Thanks Asahi!" He cheered as he put the massive hoodie on.

It came down to just past his knees and gave him major sweater paws. He loved it.

"Woah! This is so comfortable!" Noya said with a large grin as Asahi grew a dark blush along his face, neck, and ears.

"Thats good." He said as he averted his eyes from Noya. The hoodie looked like a dress on him but he looked absolutely adorable.

"Do I look bad? Do you want me to give it back? I can give it back." Noya asked when he saw Asahi look away from him as he started to take the hoodie off.

"No, no, no, you look adorable, I don't mind if you wear it." Asahi said before realizing what he said making himself blush an even darker shade of red.

"Aww you think I'm adorable?" Noya asked with a light blush of his own.

Just then Tanaka ran back into the gym and patted Asahi on the shoulder while chucking Noya's shirt at his face.

"Sorry Noya, welp see you guys later!" Tanak yelled as he ran out of the gym, instantly going over to Enoshita to show that he gave the shirt back.

Enoshita had threatened Tanaka with no cuddles for a week if he didn't give the shirt back so he instantly gave it back.

"Well I'm going to go and change, be right back Asahi!" Noya said before running back into the lockerroom as Kageyama, Hinata, Tsukishima, and Yamaguchi all came out.

Tsukishima looked around the gym to see Asahi blushing and then outside of the gym to see Tanaka and Enoshita talking, Tanaka giving his boyfriend puppy dog eyes.

"Come on Yams, I don't want to know what happened here and I don't want to get caught up in whatever it was and/or is." He said before grabbing Yamaguchi's hand and walking the boy out of the gym.

"When did they get together?" Hinata asked looking confused.

"They have been together for a while now dumbass." Kageyama replied before walking out of the gym, Hinata trailing behind him.

"Where did everyone go?" Noya asked as he got out of the lockerroom noy in his normal clothes with Asahi's hoodie over it.

"Home I'm guessing." Asahi replied as his blush came back after seeing Noya in his hoodie again.

"Asahi-san, I need to know the next time you are free so we can all do the team sleepover." Kiyoko said as she walked up to the two.

"KIYOKO!" Noya said with a wide grin as he opened his arms, silently asking if he could hug her.

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