💗Cuddle Party! (Iwazumi x Oikawa)

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Ship- Side Yahaba x Kyoutani & Oikawa x Iwazumi
Type- Fluff
⚠️- Cussing & Super short (sorry abt that)
Requested by AceTheBiQueen 💖💖💖

It had been a long stressful day for Kyoutani.

He first woke up at four am from a nightmare and couldn't get back to sleep, he had two different pop quizzes in two different classes, and some jackass decided to shove him in the hallway as he walked to Volleyball practice.

By the time he got to volleyball practice he wa so tired he didn't even have the energy to reply to the team's greetings.

***After Practice***

"I think something is wrong with Mad-dog-chan." Oikawa said to his boyfriend Iwazumi.

Currently everyone but Kyoutani were all cleaning up the court while Kyoutani sat up against the wall, his eyes closed and body relaxed.

"I think he looks normal." Iwazumi replied with a shrug as he and Oikawa walked out of the storage room.

"I'm gonna go and cuddle him, everyone loves being cuddled!" Oikawa said with a bright smile before running over to Kyoutani and sitting down next to him all before Iwazumi could say anything.

"Do you need something?" Kyoutani asked without opening his eyes, having senced someone sitting next to him.

"Nope!" Oikawa said as he wrapped his arms around the younger boy.

"What are you doing?" Kyoutani asked, confusion clear in his tone as his eyes opened, glaring at Oikawa.

He wasn't used to physical affection but didn't mind it. Really, if he was being honest, he liked the affection.

"Its called a hug, come on guys, cuddle pile!" Oikawa yelled over to the others in the gym.

Iwazumi, Yahaba, Maki, and Matsui all looked over at the two before looking at each other, shrugging, and joining the cuddle pile on the floor.

"Can I ask why we are all cuddling my boyfriend?" Yahaba asked as he pulled Kyoutani closer to himself, Kyoutani blushing brightly at the blunt way of coming out to the team.

"Boyfriend?! Omg why didn't you tell us you two were a thing sooner?!" Oikawa asked with a loud gasp.

"Probably for the same reason we didn't tell the team that we are together. It was just so obvious that everyone would figure it out on their own." Iwazumi said as he wrapped an arm around Oikawa's shoulders, his hand resting on Kyoutani's shoulder.

"Why did you come out so bluntly?" Kyoutani asked as he hid his blushing face into Yahaba's shoulder.

"I don't know, it seemed fitting." Yahaba answered with a chuckle at his boyfriends actions.

"I wouldn't have peged Kyoutani as a bottom." Maki laughed only making Kyoutani's blush darken.

"Did you not see the way Yahaba slammed him up against the wall? He is such a bottom, there is no top in him." Oikawa laughed along, getting chuckles and laughter from everyone but Kyoutani.

"I'm not a fucking bottom! I'm a switch, better then your wanna-be power bottom but is really just a brat bottom self." Kyoutani snapped back making the laughter change to "oooo"'s.

"Damn Baby-kawa, he really came after you." Iwazumi laughed getting 'aww's from Maki and Matsui.

"Oh shut up." Oikawa whined as he hid his blushing face in the palm of his hands.

Everyone laughed before Maki looked at the time off of his phone.

"Guys, as much as I love this cuddle party, it's getting late. We should head home now." He said as he stood up before turning around and helping Matsui up as well.

So everyone slowly got up and left to their houses.

Well everyone went to their significant other's house (aka they went to the bottoms houses) and had a sleepover because it was Friday and they wanted cuddles.

✨They all lived happily ever after✨

635 Words!

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