💔"Where's Eddie?" (No ship)

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Idk I'm bored & saw this tiktok w/ this girl saying how she was happy that they did the 2 day time skip so we wouldn't have to see Dustin telling everyone that Eddie was dead... so I'm gonna write it & make us cry now instead 🥲💗
⚠️Angst, death, season 4 pt.2 spoilers, crying, cussing, blood⚠️
Everyone that had gone into the Upside Down had agreed before the whole thing started that they would all meet back up in the same field that they trained in at the end of everything.

So that's what everyone did.... well everyone but Eddie and Max...


"We did it! We fucking did it! Well mostly at least, that sick sun of a bitch is severely injured!" Steve cheered as he, Nancy, and Robin all walked up the hill, only to see Dustin standing there alone crying.

"Fuck." Steve cursed as he quickly ran towards the crying boy, his eyes scanning around for Eddie.

"Where's Eddie?" Robin asked as she and Nancy ran up behind of Steve.

Dustin looked up at the three of them before his small tears turned into full sobbing as he colapsed into Steve's arms.

Steve stumbled slightly as he caught Dustin but once he gained his balance again he quickly hugged the broken boy.

"H-he's gone." Dustin stuttered between sobs as his body shaking as he clutched onto Eddie's denim jacked that Steve had on.

He kept a tight grip on the jacket as he barried his face into Steve's chest, scared that if he let go of Steve then he would loose him too.

"Oh my god." Robin whispered as tears rushed to all of their eyes.

Her legs gave out from under her and she fell down, Nancy's quick reflexes catching her some to at least slow her fall so she wouldn't be in as much physical pain.

"Fuck man." Steve cursed as he hugged Dustin back just as tightly as the boy was hugging him.

Robin and Nancy were now sitting on the ground, crying while hugging each other in a sad attempt to comfort one another.

Just then Erica came running up the hill towards them, a few tears rolling down her face.

"Did Lucas already walkie you guys?" She asked as she stopped infront of them, seeing them all crying messes.

"No, why? What happened?" Nancy asked as she tried to stay strong for Robin's benifit but wasn't succeeding.

"You mean your not crying because Max is half dead?" Erica asked sounding panicked and worried.

"Wait... where's Eddie?" She asked, just now noticing that the man wasn't here.

"She's half dead?!" Robin asked as more tears pooled down her face.

"Yeah but she should be fine once she gets to the hospital, Lucas called the cops and they should take them both." Erica replied before realizing why Eddie wasn't with then.

"He's gone isn't he?" She asked as more tears fell down her face.

She may be a tough cookie to crack but when she has just gone through what she did then anyone could understand why she was crying.

Her brothers girlfriend was on the brick of death and Eddie, someone she was able to play DND with was now completely dead.

Instead of getting a verbal responce to her question, everyone nodded as they cried harder.

Steve pulled out of the hug with Dustin before turning around to the mobile home they stole.

"I told him NOT TO BE A FUCKING HERO!" He yelled before punching the side of the van repeatedly, denting the side and making his hands eventually bleed.

Now with Steve not keeping him up, Dusin dropped to the ground and continued sobbing as he curled his knees up to his chest, crying into them.

What seemed like hours later but was only about fifteen minutes later, Dustin got a walkie message from Lucas telling them to all get to the hospital.

So that's what they all did. Nancy drove them there in the now dented camper van while Robin, Steve and Dustin tried to calm down, Erica isolating herself as her own way of calming herself down.

Once they got out of the van and into the hospital, Dustin was taken into his own room to have his leg checked out while Robin and Steve went with him.

Nancy and Erica went to Maxes room where Lucas was waiting for them.

Once they walked into the room he got up and hugged them both before turning to Nancy.

"Where are the others?" He asked innocently. Nancy could see the dried tear streaks on his face only causing the lump of tears to come back into her throat.

"Dustin's leg was messed up so he, Robin, and Steve went to get it checked out." She answered as her eyes wandered over to Max's unconscious body laying on the hospital bed.

"Oh ok." He said with a nod before looking confused.

"Wait, where's Eddie?"
831 Words! Sorry if this sucked, I don't normally write angst 😅😅😅

Anyway, please like & comment!♡♡♡

I hope you all have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖

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