💗Rabies (Wolfstar)

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Created-3-1-21 (inspired by art above^)
⚠️Talk of crying⚠️
It was early in the morning and everyone was getting ready for their day.

Sirius had decided to wake James up by spraying water on him.

"Oi! What the Hell Pads?!" James yelled as he woke up with a start.

"Eek!" Sirius squealed before running twards the bathroom.

"Come back here you idot!" James yelled as he chased Sirius.

"REMUS! HELP! James wants to kill me!" Sirius said as he ran into the bathroom.

"Well, make up with him, will you? Your not five years old." Remus said as he spit out his toothpaste, some of it sticking to the corners of his mouth.

Sirius quickly kissed Remus, getting some of the toothpaste onto his mouth as well.

Just as they pulled apart James burst into the room.

"You can't touch me now James, Remus bit me and I have rabies!" Sirius said as Remus blushed brightly and looked away from them both.

That was just a dumb kiss from Sirius so James wouldn't attack him. It didn't mean anything to him right?

"Remus doesn't have rabies dumbarse!" James said back before stopping, seeing Remus, and then looking back at Sirius.

"Did you kiss him?!" He asked making Remus's blush darken and Sirius lightly blush.

"It didn't mean anything, Sirius was just being dumb." Remus said before putting his toothbrush away and walking out of the room, clearly annoyed about something.

"You are so dumb! He likes you and you just kissed him!" James whisper yelled as he shoved Sirius.

"He does?" Sirius asked with what seemed like hope in his eyes.

"Yes he does and you've kissed him withought his consent.  He probably thinks that it was just another dumb thing you would do to keep your arse safe from me hitting you." James said making Sirius deflate some.

"F*ck, I didn't mean it like that. I like him too, I don't know what I was thinking." Sirius muttered.

"Dont be telling me this, tell him!" James said before they both heard a loud BANG.

"What did you two do to Remus?" Peter asked as both Sirius and James walked out of the room.

"Sirius kissed him withought his consent and now potentially f*cked up his only chance with the bloke." James said making Sirius frown.

"Oh... he did look pretty mad. I would go and talk to him if I where you." Peter said making Sirius nod and pull out the Maraders map.

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." Sirius said quickly while pointing the tip of his wand onto the blank parchment.

Suddenly a ton of footprints and places of Hogwarts appeared onto the parchment.

Sirius's eyes quickly scanned over it until he saw a pair of footprints names Remus Moony Lupin in Moaning Murtal's bathroom.

"He is with Murtal, go get him! Nobody goes in there unless they are crying!" James said as he took the map and shoved Sirius twards the door.

Sirius nodded and ran twards Murtal's bathroom.

Remus was in Murtal's bathroom but he was not crying.

He was thinking about the kiss, he was wondering how it would fell to properly kiss Sirius, how it would be like if Sirius liked him back. Sadly he would probably never get those answers because Sirius Black was straight and would never like a boy like Remus. Right?

Before Remus could think much more Sirius came running into the room and right once he saw Remus he ran over to him and bacily colapsed infront of him.

"Bloody Hell Pads! Are you alright?!" Remus asked as he helped Sirius sit up accidentally making Sirius lean against his side.

"I came here to ask you the same question." Sirius said imbetween pants.

"Why wouldn't I be alright? The full moon isn't for two weeks and I don't have any new scars." Remus asked with a head tilt.

After a minute of Sirius regaining his breath he spoke. "I am so sorry. I shouldn't have kissed you withought your consent, Hell I shouldn't have kissed you at all. You probably are very straight and hate me no-" Sirius was cut off by Remus kissing him.

Sirius was shocked at first but quickly melted into the kiss, allowing Remus to dominate and take full control over the kiss.

After about a minute they pulled apart for air.

"There, now we are even. Also I'm as straight as a rainbow slinky." Remus said with a blush as Sirius blushed very darkly.

"I- so you don't hate me?" Sirius asked dumbly.

"No Sirius, I don't hate you." Remus said with a sigh. Wow Sirius could be dense sometimes.

"Thats good." Sirius said as he leaned against Remus's side.

"We should get to class." Remus said knowing they they where missing their first class of the day.

"Oooor if you want we could kiss again?" Sirius asked as he looked up at Remus.

"Only if you'll be my boyfriend." Remus replied, he was not about to get into one of those no strings attached relationships.

"Deal." Sirius said with a smile before they both leaned in and kissed again.

*Focusing on Peter and James*

"Well I'm going to assume they made up because Sirius's footprints are ontop of Remus's. Either they got into a physical fight -which is very unlikely- or they are hard core making out." James said making Peter chuckle.

"Im going to have to guess kissing or cuddling." Peter said making James nod in agreement.

"Mr.Potter, Mr.Pettergrew, pay attention to class or you will get house points taken away." Professor Flitwic threatened making the two of them quiet up.

"Mischief Managed." James muttered making the map of the school dissappear.

He then put up the map and payed attention to the class.

Ever since then, whenever Sirius would get 'introuble' and Remus was brushing his teeth he would kiss him and claim that he was given rabies.

They made it a joke and eventually just left the brushing teeth out of it.

One time Professor McGonagall got upset at Sirius and Sirius's responce was kissing Remus infront of the entire class and then whispering to McGonagall "You can't do anything to me now, I have rabies."

1,055 Words! I hope you have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖

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