💗Cuddles (OC)

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From- My book "The Haunted House" 

Background info- Sometimes all Ava needs is Sophie's cuddles...

It had been a long week, the weekend had felt like it had flown by in a second and Ava was finding out that there were only about twelve more hours until she would have to go back to school. Monday was coming much quicker then she wished.

"Baby can we cuddle?" She asked her girlfriend Sophie who was drawing something in her sketchbook.

"Yeah sure Love." Sophie answered with a smile before putting her sketchbook down onto her desk and going over to the bed where Ava was laying down.

Currently Ava was over at Sophie's house to "study" but in reality they had just told that to her parents so they would leave them alone, claiming that if her parents came in then it would be a major distraction for them.

Originally they had been studding but Ava's mind was not having it. Nothing she read stuck and all math things she attempted to do looked like a blur to her so she decided to quit trying for now and just wait for Monday.

Sophie on the other hand had done fine with studding so when she finished she saw Ava half asleep on her bed she decided that she would draw to not bother her.

"Yay." Ava cheered softly as Sophie laid down next to her, instantly resting her head onto her shoulder.

Sophie smiled at the small cheer as Ava wrapped her arms around her body, their legs tangling together as the covers were thrown off of them, their own body warmth being enough for them both.

After a minute of peaceful, quiet cuddling Sophie grabbed her phone and played her "Comfort songs" Playlist because it had all calm songs on it.

The two sang softly along to the songs that they knew, Sophie knew them all and Ava knew most of them.

Ava's voice was rather deep for a girl but wasn't baritone deep (that's really deep for people that don't know).

Sophie's voice on the other hand was a range from really high to kind of low.

Both of their voices harmonized together beautifully making all of the songs they sang even better.

Together their voices sounded as sweet as honey and as smooth as butter.

Once the Playlist turned off/ran out of songs to play, Sophie turned her phone off completely before cuddling back into Ava's chest.

"Do you wanna stay the night? I'm sure my parents won't mind if they see us asleep soon." Sophie asked as she tilted her head up to meet Ava's eyes.

"Sure. It's pretty late, my parents won't care, and I'm tired so yeah. I'll stay the night." Ava agreed as she ran her hand through Sophie's hair, the other hand rubbing circles onto her back.

"Good because I'm tired too and want to sleep, I didn't want you to leave either." Sophie said as she moved her head so it was now in the crook of Ava's neck.

Ava laughed lightly before asking, "Do you want to sleep now? We have already had dinner and are in our pajamas."

"If you are okay with that then yeah." Sophie answered truthfully as she shut her eyes, already knowing Ava's answer.

"Alright, we can sleep now. Goodnight love." Ava said before kissing the top of Sophie's head and closing her eyes as well.

"Night, love you too." Sophie mumbled before falling asleep, Ava following close after her into the peaceful world of dream land.

596 Words! Short & sweet (I'm was in school  so that's also why it was so short😅😂)

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