💗Are those...my clothes?" (Kakashi x Iruka)

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Ship- Kakashi x Iruka
Age- ???
Type- Fluff
It was  early in the morning when Iruka woke up. "Where am I?" He thought as he looked around and took in his surroundings.  

That's when he saw Kakashi asleep on the floor.

All the memories of  the night before came back to him at once. The two had been called to a rank B mission that needed to be taken care of quickly. They completed the mission with ought much problem, just a few cuts and bruises here and there. Although because it had been so late at night when they had finished Kakashi had offered to let Iruka to crash at his place for the night. Iruka accepted the offer greatly as they were both tired from the previous events of the day.

Iruka was originally going to take the floor but Kakashi insisted that he take the bed and that he himself would take the floor because "Your the guest so you get the better things.".

Now that Iruka was awake he didn't really know what to do. Should he wake Kakashi up? Should he leave and leave behind a note? Should he wait for Kakashi to wake up on his own?

After careful thought he chose the last option, deciding to let Kakashi wake up on his own accord. 

"I should probably get dressed." He thought as he looked down at himself. He was currently only wearing his boxers because it was quite warm in the room and didn't have any pajamas at Kakashi's house.

He looked over at his clothes from the day before, they had some mud on them along with some stray leaves and dirt. Crinkling his nose at the thought of wearing those before washing them again Iruka's eyes wandered over to Kakashi's closet.

"He wouldn't mind if I borrow a uniform right? I would return it later anyway." He thought before carefully getting up and walking over to the closet. The doors opened with a quiet creek.

Inside the closet were mostly uniforms but also a few pairs of sweatpants, t-shirts, and long-sleeved shirts; not many though.

After the quick examination of the closet, Iruka grabbed a uniform that looked like one of his own before closing the closet doors and walking into the bathroom to change.

By the time he had the uniform on he could tell that this wasn't the best idea. He also just realized how much taller Kakashi was than himself.

Before he could continue to internally fuss over the size of the outfit he heard something fall in the bedroom and went to see what it was.

Right as he entered the room he saw Kakashi placing a photo of himself (Kakashi), Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura back onto his bedside table.

"Everything okay in here?" He asked startling Kakashi.

Kakashi instantly turned around, drawing his kunai and raising it to throw before he saw Iruka.

His eyebrow raised as he lowered his kunai.

"What?" Iruka asked suddenly very self-conscious.

"Are those...my clothes?" Kakashi asked as he walked a little closer to Iruka.

The clothes gave him major sweater paws and the bottom of the shirt nearly came down to his knees. 

"Oh! Yes they are. I can change if you want me to. Sorry, mine are just dirty and I didn't think you would mind." Iruka said bowing slightly.

"Oh I don't mind, you can stay in them if you want. Honestly you look adorable." Kakashi said as Iruka stood back up from his bowed position.

He blushed darkly at the comment Kakashi made. "T-thank you?" He said while averting eye contact.

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