💗"Take better care of yourself!" (Prinxiety)

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⚠️ Mention of homophobic people, homophobic language, & slight cussing ⚠️

(EDITED by @KbaeStar)


(3rd pov.)

One day in the Light Sides mind place, Roman decided that he really wanted to do a small play. So he started on the script and about three hours later, he was done.

Roman moved to the living room where the other three sides where sitting, Logan reading, Virgil scrolling through Tumbler, and Patton making what looked to be either a friendship bracelet or an anklet.

"Greetings everyone! I have just made a little play that if you don't mind we could all act out?" Roman said excitedly.

This made the other three look at him, "That sounds fun! I'm in!" Patton agreed quickly. "As long as I do not have to act I will be the director if needed." Logan stated while putting a bookmark in his book.

"That depends, what's in it for me?" Virgil asked, he was going to say yes because he secretly liked acting and was quite good at it but he also didn't want to let them know that quite yet.

"Well, what do you want?" Roman asked, he was willing to give just about anything so Virgil would do this and he wouldn't have to get Janus to do it. There was NO way he was going to let Remus do it.

"Well, I want... to be able to pick what we watch for the next week, I'm getting tired of Disney." Virgil declared while putting his phone in his hoodie pocket.

"How could you?!" Roman gasped. "Well it's that or I guess I'll just stay here..." Virgil trailed off. "No! No, its fine with me as long as its fine with Logan and Patton." Roman said quickly. "I'm fine with that." Patton said happily. "I suppose that only for a week it would be alright." Logan stated, he normally just read so he didn't really care.

"Perfect! Alright, now let's go and start this play!" Roman exclaimed happily as he ran into the little theater in the Imagination. The others followed close behind.

Once there he sat down in the seat next to the one that said 'director' and ushered Patton and Virgil onto the stage as Logan sat down next to him.

"Alright well I am going to be one of the main characters so you two need to audition for the second main character, whoever does not get that part will help Logan with everything if they are ok with that, if not then they can become the audience." Roman explained making Virgil roll his eyes and Patton nod his head.

Virgil and Patton read over the script and Virgil left the stage so Patton could try out first.

"You need to learn how to take care of yourself! One of these days you are going to get severely injured and I won't be able to help you!" Patton acted, he was trying but he couldn't exactly get his dad voice to turn off.

"Very good job Patton." Roman said with a smile as Patton bowed. "Yes, that was very good indeed." Logan agreed making Patton blush slightly. He then got off the stage as Virgil got on.

"You need to learn how to take care of yourself! One of these days you are going to get severely injured and I won't be able to help you!" Virgil said with emotion, the right facial features, and the right voice. In other words, he was perfect.

"Wow." Roman breathed, "Well Logie, if you need help with anything, I can do it!" Patton said and then ran over to Virgil. "You did so well!" He squealed and then pulled out of the hug and went back over to Logan and Roman. "That was... amazing! Why didn't you tell us that you could act so well?!" Roman asked amazed. 

"Well I wasn't that good and it just never came up so..." Virgil trailed off. "Well now that we know this information I will tell you what we are going to be doing... The First Gay Disney Prince's!!! But don't worry, we won't kiss, just hug and hold hands." Roman said hurriedly, seeing Virgil's eyes widen.

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