💗/❤️‍🔥Blood (V!Eddie x Steve)

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⚠️Blood, smut, blood kink, biting kink, cussing, non-cannon acting (ovy)⚠️
I'm making this a continuation of the other Vampire Eddie oneshot aka "Pulse" so read that one first then this one please♡
○Top Eddie
○Bottom Steve
The next morning when everyone woke up, all of the kids knocked aggressively onto Steve's door to wake him up.

The idea was Dustin's to begin with and everyone else was hungry and knew that Steve knows where all of the food is so they went with it.

"What the fuck?!" Steve yelled as he jolted awake from the sudden bangs on his door.

"Whats happeni-" Eddie cut himself off when he opened his eyes. "OW FUCK!" He cursed when his eyes were blinded by the sun coming from the window.

Normally it was bad to be blinded by the sunlight but when your a vampire like he is, it makes everything eleven times brighter then normal and kills his eyes.

"Are you guys okay in there?" Will yelled through the door after hearing both men's yells of pain and or discomfort.

"Yeah we're okay, we'll be down in a minute; go eat some breakfast. There's cereal and other stuff in the kitchen cubbord!" Steve yelled back as he moved over to where Eddie had fallen onto the floor to get away from the sunlight.

"Okay!" The kids chorised before leaving downstairs to the kitchen.

Once he heard the kids footsteps heading downstairs, Steve turned all of his attention to Eddie.

"Are you okay Munson? I didn't think about the sunlight thing. Does it really burn you?" Steve asked as he picked up and inspected the arm that was in the sunlight while they slept.

"I think I'm partly blind now but I'm sure I'll be okay. And I don't think we really burn unless it's direct sunlight but the light itself hurts my eyes like a bitch." Eddie answered as he attempted to open his eyes again, only to shut them again when he saw how bright the room was.

"I think your right about that seeing as your arm isn't burned, I'll put a blanket over the curtain to make the room even darker for you." Steve said before dropping Eddie's arm and moving to put one of his thicker blankets over the thin curtain, now blocking out all of the sunlight.

"Thanks man." Eddie said, opening his eyes and being able to keep then open now.

"Don't worry about it, are you hungry? Do you want me to bring you up some breakfast?" Steve asked as Eddie got back onto the bed, running his hand through his hair as he stretched before yawning.

When he yawned he unintentionally showed off his large fangs making a blush grow onto Steve's face.

"How about a tall glass of you?" Eddie said jokingly as he smirked at the blushing boy.

"I can't tell if your joking or not with you being a vampire now and all." Steve chuckled nervously as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Well it was mostly a joke but I will eventually need some blood at some point from someone, I won't drink enough to kill them, just enough to survive." Eddie explained as he played with his long hair.

"Then you can have my blood, I'm sure I have enough to share." Steve shrugged shocking Eddie.

"Wait what? Really? Don't fuck with me and food Harrington." Eddie asked, his eyes darkening some when he said food.

"Yeah I'm not joking, let me help everyone find their breakfast and then I'll be back. I promise." Steve answered getting a nod back before he left the room, making to open the door as little as possible so not a lot of light came through.

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