💔/💗Hospital (Kiribaku)

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Thank you Galaxywolife for the request!!!
⚠️Cussing, crying, talk of a panic attack, bl**d, talk of broken bones, burn marks⚠️ It's not too angsty, mostly just panic then Fluff:)

It had been three years since Kirishima and Bakugou (along with all of their classmates) have graduated from UA.

Bakugou and Kirishima had gotten together in third year and were now living together in a nice two story house. It wasn't a large home but it was all they needed and they were happy with it.

Currently Bakugou was home alone cooking dinner while Kirishima was out on patrol, he should be back within the hour though if everything went like it normally did.

Both Kirishima and Bakugou were now pro heros, Bakugou being the number ten hero as of now, still striving to be number one.

As the blond was cooking some stake with a spicy stake sauce he had the news playing on the television as some background noise.

Well, it started out as background noise before he heard...

"Breaking news! The Pro Hero Red Riot has been severely injured and is in critical condition after a fight with the villain Dabi. He and the villain have had many encounters ever since Red Riot was in high-" The news broadcaster was cut off as Bakugou turned the TV off in a rush.

He quickly turned the stove and everything else off before putting on his shoes and left for the hospital.

As Bakugou slammed the car door shut and started the car up his phone began to ring.

"What the fuck do you want Midoria?!" He yelled as he pulled out of his driveway before speeding towards the hospital not giving a single fuck about the speed limit.

"K-katchan? Are you okay?! Do you need help?! Curse twice for yes and once for no." Deku asked becoming extremely worried for his friend(?) Bakugou.

"I don't need any fucking help! Now what the Hell do you want you damn nerd?!" Bakugou yelled as he pulled into the hospital parking lot, quickly parking in the first spot he saw before grabbing his phone and leaving to go inside of the large building.

"No Katchan, what's wrong? You called me by my name! You NEVER do that! Are you going to die?! Oh my All Might you can't die! Where are you?!" Deku continued to panic, Bakugou could hear Todoroki begin to ask the greenet some questions on the other end of the phone and rolled his eyes.

"Im at the hospital for Kirishima, I'm fucking fine." Bakugou answered before hanging up on him and walking up to the resiptionest desk.

"Hello sir, how can I help you today?" A man asked sounding tired but attempted to not let it show too much.

"I need the room number for Kirishima Eijiro, he's my husband and the news said that he was in critical condition. I need to see him, please." Bakugou stated trying his best to keep his composure.

He loved being a pro hero a lot seeing as it has been his dream ever since he was a kid but he hated the danger risk of it all. Not for himself, no, he didn't care about himself. He was worried for Kirishima and his friends wellbeing.

"Okay, can I see some ID first?" The man asked to confirm that this man was actually Kirishima's husband and not some random person trying to harm him even more.

Bakugou huffed yet pulled out his ID. 'Bakugou-Kirishima Katsuki' was at the bottom of the ID so the man nodded and handed the ID back.

"The room number is room 108, second floor on the right." The man said getting a nod back from Bakugou as a silent thanks before be ran off down the hall.

Quickly Bakugou found Kirishima's door on the second floor like he was told and knocked.

When he didn't hear an answer he opened the door and walked inside.

Tears sprung to his eye when he saw Kirishiam.

The normally bright ray of sunshine was swaddled in multiple bandaids and casts, burn marks littering along his face and chest.

Bakugou walked slowly over to the seat next to the bed and once he sat down the damn broke. Silent tears flowed down his face as he laced his hand with one of Kirishima's bloodied, bandaged ones.

"Katsuki?" Bakugou heard a faint voice whisper making him look up, having previously been looking down at the floor tiles.

"Eijiro!" Bakugou cried as he stood up only to quickly hug his wounded husband.

"Are you okay baby?" Kirishima asked as he wrapped his sore arms around the crying blond.

"Am I okay?! Are you okay?! Your the one all dandaged and bloodied!" Bakugou asked as he pushed himself up some so he could look Kirishima in the eye.

When Kirishima hugged Bakugou back, the blond had fallen into the bed so he was now laying on top of Kiri but made sure to not put too much pressure on him.

"I'm fine, this tis but a scratch. Nothing I haven't felt before. Why are you crying?" Kirishima answered before asking as he moved one of his hands to wipe away some of Bakugou's tears.

"I was crying because the fucking news bitch said that you were in critical condition and was severely injured. I thought you were going to fucking die so that's why I'm fucking crying." Bakugou ranted before being pulled into a kiss by his lover.

"The news people always over exaggerate love, as you can see I'm not that hurt. Just a few burn marks and maybe a couple broken bones. I'm fine and I'm most definitely not going to die." Kirishima stated softly when the two pulled out of the gentle kiss.

"I know but it still scared the shit out of me." Bakugou mumbled as he nuzzled his head into the crook of Kirishima's neck.

Kiri hummed in responce but before either bot could say anything else the door opened to reveal a doctor.

"Oh, it looks like you have a guest. Well I'll make this quick then, Recovery Girl has decided to come and heal you in a few minutes so you should be released soon." The doctor said with a kind smile before leaving the room.

Soon after Recovery Girl came in a kissed his wounds better before giving him a quick scolding and leaving as well.

"Looks like we are good to leave now, come on baby, we can go home and cuddle. Our bed is a lot more comfortable then this hospital one." Kirishima said making Bakugou get up, allowing the redhead to get up as well.

The two left the hospital, Bakugou driving after insisting that Kirishima needed more rest.

Once they reached home Bakugou finnished making dinner for them as Kirishima rested on the couch.

They both ate the delicious food rather quickly before leaving for their bedroom where they cuddled until they fell asleep.

They would be taking a little break from hero work but not too long thanks to Recovery Girl so they would enjoy their small break to the full extent with cuddling and doing a whole bunch of nothing the entire time.

1,213 Words!

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