💔/💗Sleep (Sabrial)

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⚠️ Slight cussing ⚠️ *NOT EDITED*

3rd pov.
While Lucifer was messing with Sam, he wasn't getting any sleep because of him. So after about two weeks of a total of about an hour of sleep Gabe heard about what was happening. He quickly flew down to Sam on night and created a barrier between Sam and Luci.

"Its ok Sam, just sleep, i'll protect you." Gabe said to Sam right before he fell into a deep peaceful slumber. (As seen in photo above.)

Lucifer looked ticked off but in reality he only did this to keep his reputation up and if Gabe hadn't come then he was going to let him sleep for at least a day so he wouldnt die from exhaustion.

*Durring the night Gabe and Luci talked and Lucifer explained everything to Gabe, considering he was his favorite brother*

The next morning the only reason why Sam woke up is because the sun cam in and blinded him even with his eyes shut. Right once he started to move the sun was shut out, someone had shut the curtains.

Sam opened his eyes anyway and saw Lucifer standing at the curtains. He looked like he was the one to shut them but that wouldn't make any sense. He then felt something on his back and turned to see Gabe. He was now extremely confused, the Trixter and Lucifer where being nice to him?

"What the Hell?" Sam asked while sitting up and almost falling onto the ground, only to be caught by an invisible force, one that was extremely soft and one that felt almost chared. Sam was then lifted back onto the bed and once he was fully on Luci's colapsed into a chair and Gabe colapsed back onto the bed.

"Gees Samoose, you are heavy." Gabe panted. "You alright bro?" Gabe asked Luci. "Fine." Luci answered while also panting.

"What the Hell is going on? What just happened? Why are you being nice to Lucifer and why is he being nice to me?!" Sam asked as he got up to lock his door.

"Well Samsquach, I was here to protect you for the night so you could sleep. While you where asleep Luci here and I had a little conversation and so now he shouldn't do anything to bad to you. Now as for why you didn't fall is because Luci and I cought you with our wings." Gabe explained after he caught his breath.

Sam looked at them both in shock, he was confused, and he didn't know what to say. So instead of saying anything he just nodded his head dumbly.

"Hey little bro, stop calling me Luci." Lucifer wined. "Never... Luci." Gabe said back with a small smile. "This is terrifying, they sound like Dean and I with the Sammy thing." Sam thought.

"Well now that I know you will be ok, I have to leave but if he does anything out of line then I will be back and I will take care of him for you." Gabe said, he then tapped Sam's forehead to make Sam completely healed and looking sane again, kissed his cheek, waved bye to Luci, and then left.

"Well you look better, exsept for the fact that you look sunburnt, that blush is overpowering." Lucifer laughed as he shoved Sam out of the room. "I will be here, go and talk to Dean but do NOT tell him about anything. Just say that you are doing better ok?" Lucifer said making Sam nodd. Luci then shut the door and left Sam to do whatever he wanted to do... well for today at least...

618 Words!

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