❤️‍🔥Heat (OC)

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From- My book "Mate (bxb)" *That book is on hold right now*

Background info- Damon & Marcus are both werewolf's, Marcus is a Beta but acts like an Omega while Damon is an alpha. Marcus is also the type of ace that is only okay with sex when they know you for a while and fully trust you. He is in heat and Damon is his mate so he is going to help him out...

Kinks- Praise

Type- Anal sex, knotting, handjob

⚠️M-preg, cussing⚠️

Damon and Marcus were sitting in the living room watching "The Parent Trap" one day, both cuddled together and content with the day so far.

Well that was until Marcus begun to grow hot.

"Are you okay pup?" Damon asked as Marcus sat up and away from him, his body heat being too much for him at the moment but at the same time he wanted to be as close as possible to Damon.

"Hot." Marcus answered as he begun to fan himself with his hands.

Damon inhaled, the smell of a beta in heat strong in the air.

"Why does your heat smell different now then it did last time?" Damon asked as he pulled Marcus into his lap, thinking that it was like last time where he would want constant cuddles and nothing more or less.

Marcus leaned into Damon's chest as his hips rolled forward confusing and turning Damon on.

"Because my wolf knows you and trust you enough to fuck me instead of just cuddle me." Marcus answered as he continued to grind onto Damon's clothed member, a bulge forming rather quickly.

"Are you sure? Because if I let my inner alpha wolf take control you won't be able to walk for a month." Damon asked wanting to make sure Marcus was one hundred percent positive he wanted this.

"Yes I'm sure, just maybe try and hold him back some at the start so I'm not in extreme pain." Marcus replied before he started to kiss lightly at Damon's scent gland turning him on even more considering how sensitive they are.

Damon stood up, bringing Marcus with him so he wouldn't fall and started to walk to Marcus's bedroom.

Marcus kissing, biting, licking and sucking at his skin on the way there making him hold back moans.

When they got to the bedroom Damon laid Marcus down onto the bed, quickly towering over him.

"You're posotive you are okay with this right?" Damon asked resisting the eurge to strip Marcus of all of his clothes now and fuck him till he couldn't walk. His smell was intoxicating in the best way possible and it was driving Damon crazy.

"Yes I'm sure now please fuck me." Marcus whimpered out, he could feel his slick start to come from his ass and wanted his pants off and Damon inside.

"Let me grab the condoms and lube, I'll just take a second." Damon said as he kissed at Marcus's neck.

"No, I want you to knot me. I want your pups. Slick is lube enough. Please just fuck me." Marcus whined as he took his shirt off, the heat of his body becoming to much for him.

"Are you sure? Were only nineteen." Damon asked as he helped Marcus take his pants and boxers off, the slick falling onto the bed.

"Yes I'm sure. Please~." Marcus pleaded, he and Damon had talked about having kids before considering they were mate's. They havent gone through the mating process before though because Marcus wanted to wait until his next heat.

They had both decided that they wanted kids but didn't know when. Guess now is as good a time as ever?

"Okay baby, whatever you want." Damon agreed as he started to stretch Marcus out with his fingers.

He was fine with having kids, his family was rather wealthy so they wouldn't have to worry about money and he has always wanted to be a father.

Marcus moaned at the feeling as he pushed down onto Damon's fingers.

Once Damon deemed him stretched enough he pulled his fingers away getting a loud whine of protest from the needy beta below him.

The whine quickly turned into a moan as Damon's member pressed into him.

"You're doing so well baby, you're going to look so pretty holding our pups." Damon praised making Marcus moan louder.

Once he was fully inside of Marcus he stilled so the beta could get used to his size.

"Y-you can move." Marcus stuttered after a minute of Damon just kissing up and down his neck and jaw.

With a nod he started to pull in and out, not a lot at first.

He slowly pulled out more and more before he was going from the tip back to his base, Marcus a moaning mess under him.

"F-faster, please." Marcus moaned out loudly when Damon hit his budle of nerves.

Damon didn't reply verbally and instead started to thrust faster as requested.

Deciding to add to his little Beta's pleasure Damon wrapped his hand around Marcus's cock and started to go up and down on it in time with his thrusts.

Marcus moaned louder, "I'm close!" He warned, not even a second later cumming all over Damon's hand and his chest with a moan of Damon's name.

At the sight of Marcus covered in his own cum, panting and sweaty Damon berried himself deep into the boy before cumming with a deep, low moan.

His knot formed as he stayed inside of Marcus who was still panting from the slightly over stimulation.

"You did so well baby, I'm so proud of you." He praised as he leaned down some and kissed Marcus's jaw.

Marcus brought his hand up to Damon's face and pulled their lips together into a sweet, gentle kiss.

"I love you." He said as he felt Damon's knot start to go down.

"I love you too." Damon smiled before kissing Marcus once again.

After a few more minutes Damon pulled out of Marcus and brought him into the bathroom where they showered to clean off all of the cum and slick.

When they were done Damon carried Marcus into the spare bedroom and laid him down before laying down beside of him.

They would clean the bedsheets on Marcus's bed tomorrow.

"You're going to be an amazing dad to our pups." Marcus said quietly as he cuddled up to Damon's chest.

"And you're going to be an amazing mother/dada to them." Damon replied as he kissed the top of Marcus's head, wrapping his arms around his torso.

Marcus smiled at the thought of them having a family together before kissing Damon's chest as a slient "love you" and falling asleep.

Damon fell asleep soon after, both of them dreaming of their future together and their future family.

1,145 Words! (Sorry this one was kind of trash😅)

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