💗Sick Day (Demus)

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(Janus doesn't lie to Remus & Remus isn't as crazy as he is to the other side when it is just him and Janus around)

(EDITED by KbaeStar)


(3rd pov.)

One day Remus was sick because he had eaten some expired (molding) deodorant. Patton was on a date with Logan so he couldn't help. Virgil and Roman where both helping Thomas and Joan think about what to do in the next video. Remy and Emily weren't sides so that only left one person... Janus.

Now Janus and Remus where shameless flirts towards each other and the other sides, they also had crushes on each other but where too oblivious to notice.

So in the Dark sides mind palace, Remus was laying on his bed, looking and feeling terrible. He hadn't told anyone that he was sick because 1) if he wanted to he could easily get them sick and 2) he didn't want them to think he was weak and couldn't take care of himself.

All of a sudden he heard someone knock at his door. He quickly tried to look like his crazy rat man self and said "Come in." With his voice cracking at the end. Janus quickly opened the door and sat Remus down on the bed. "What's wrong?" He asked hurriedly. "W- nothings wrong." Remus croaked out and then went into a coughing fit.

Janus was shocked but started to rub his back, trying to comfort him. Once Remus stopped coughing he slumped against Janus tiredly. 

"Why are you so sick? I know you didn't catch it from someone else because nobody else has been sick." Janus asked while moving them both down, so they where laying down on the bed.

"I ate some molding deodorant thinking that it would give it extra flavor." Remus muttered while cuddling into Dee. "Well at least you learned your lesson." Janus stated with a sigh as Remus buried his head further into his chest.

"What if I get you sick?!" Remus asked, quickly trying to get out of Janus's grip. "You can't get me sick because 1) what you have is not contagious and 2) you could be cured with a snap of my fingers if you want, considering this is the Mind place." Janus stated while pulling Remus closer.

"Could you? Please?" Remus asked and then started sneezing. Janus hurriedly snapped his fingers, instantly making Remus stop. 

"Thank you." Remus said quietly and then kissed Dee's cheek, making him blush. "No problem um... Rem, I have a question." "Yah Dee?" Remus responded while cuddling back into his chest. "Would you maybe want to be my boyfriend?" Janus asked while loosening his grip slightly.

"I would love too!" Remus giggled. They spent the rest of the day cuddling and watching Supernatural.

460 words!

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