💗Smiles~ (Steve x Eddie)

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Type- Fluff
⚠️Cussing, non-cannon acting⚠️
"Yo Munson, you here?" Steve yelled through the old shed as he opened the door.

Eddie got out from under the tarp on the boat, clutching his chest and his eyes widened.

"Dude! Walky me next time before you just show up like that! You nearly have me a heart attack! I mean I know that it was your car but that doesn't mean that someone didn't steal your car to come and get me!" Eddie rambled as he got out of the boat and began walking towards Steve, pointing an accusing finger at him as he did so.

"Okay, I'm sorry. Your right I should have walkyed first, just calm down man." Steve said as he put his hands up in surrender, walking backwards some so he would have some more space.

Well that was until he ran into a wall.

"Anyway, why are you here all alone? Is Dustin okay? Is everyone else okay?" Eddie asked quickly worried for everyone's safety.

"Everyone's fine, I just wanted to come bye and see if you wanted to stay the night at my place? It has to get stuffy and annoying to stay cooped up in here all the time so I figured I would offer a change of scenery." Steve explained as he brought his hands down, one of them lowering Eddie's hand as well.

"Really? Man why didn't you start off with that! Let's go!" Eddie said cheerfully, a large smile instantly growing on his face before he raced to Steve's car; opening the passenger seats door before getting inside the vehicle.

Steve chuckled at his eagerness before getting in the car himself.

"You know, you should really smile more. You look adorable when you do." Steve smiled making Eddie blush.

"That was one of the most basic pick-up lines I have heard." Eddie laughed making Steve blush in embarrassment.

"Well at least it was the truth, you do look adorable when you smile and I do actually think you should smile more often." He said as they began to drive towards his house.

Eddie rolled his eyes with a soft smile in responce.

After a few minutes of the quiet drive Eddie decided to spark up the conversation again.

"So how are you and Nancy?" He asked trying to talk about something.

"Oh well, um... we are still friends and everything. We don't really talk much unless it's to save the world or someone's life." Steve said awkwardly as they got closer to the house.

"Well what about you and Robin? She seems to be joined at your hip at times." Eddie asked, chuckling at the end of his sentence.

"Oh yeah, Robin and I talk all of the time." Steve smiled fondly at the thought of his best friend.

"Soooo do you like her... romantically?" Eddie asked curiously, jumping when Steve burst into sudden laughter.

"Romantically? Hahaha, no. I am NOT her type and she's not my type either." Steve laughed confusing Eddie even more.

"Oh, um ok?" He said as they pulled into the driveway.

"Lets get inside quickly so hopefully nobody sees you." Steve said as he opened the door and got out of the car, jogging around the car to open the door for Eddie as well.

The two quickly went inside of the house, Steve going further into the house first so he could shut all of the windows and curtains, having previously opened them to let in the cool breeze.

"Do you wanna take a shower while I fix dinner?" Steve offered, figuring Eddie would want a shower because he probably hadn't had one in a while now.

"That would be great but I don't have any clothes to change into." Eddie replied as he took his shoes off before sitting on top of a counter in the kitchen.

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