💗The Stars (Sabrial)

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3rd pov.

One day Sam and Gabe had decided to go and look at the stars because 1) they where board 2) Cas and Dean where on a date and 3) because it could qualify as a date and they hadnt gone on one in a LONG time.

So Sam took a car that was in the Bunker garage and he and Gabe drove off to the top of a hill where there weren't any street lights or any lights at all.

"So Samsquach, where are you taking me?" Gabe asked and then popped a lolly pop in his mouth. "You'll see." Sam replies with a small smile. "Fineeee." Gabe sighed and then quickly pecked Sam's cheek and looked out the window.

*Once they get there*

"Samoose, what are we doing here?" Gabe asked as he jumped on Sam's back. "Look up." Was Sam's only response. "Woh." Gabe breathed, out of all the times he had been on Earth he had never spent time to just look up and enjoy the stars. So Sam set Gabe down, layed down himself and then Gabe cuddled into his side and they stayed there watching the stars for a while.

*Super Small Time Skip*

Gabe was becoming bored, yes the stars where beautiful but they are the same and looking at the same thing and not doing anything is very boring for a hipper angle.

Gabe suddenly flew up to the stars and started to write something out. "Hey sexy" Sam read in his head. "Omc, Gabriel stop it." Sam whined with a small grin that he was trying to hide.

All of a sudden Gabe came flying down, not looking like he would slow down so Sam quickly prepared for impact and to try his best to catch him and take most of the pain. Instead Gabe slowed down to an almost full stop and gracefully landed in Sam's arms.

"Aww, how sweet, I thought you would run out of the way!" Gabe gushed and then pecked Sam's lips. "Yah, yah, whatever." Sam blushed. "That won't last like that right?" Sam asked pointing up to the stars. "Only if I wanted them too." Gabe smiled. "Alright, hey its getting late and even though you don't sleep I do and I want to interagate Dean and Cas when they get back so lets head back." Sam stated with a smirk. "Sounds fun!" Gabe agreed and so they left to the Bunker to intaragate their brothers.

415 Words!

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