💔/💗"Dont leave me" (Iwaoi)

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⚠️- Someone being insecure, crying, cussing, kissing

Oikawa and Iwazumi have been best friends for as long as they can rember.

*When they were 5*

"Iwa-chan don't leave me!!!" Oikawa said as he hugged his best friend tightly, hears rolling down his face.

"I'm only going on vacation for a few days." Iwazumi replied as he hugged Oikawa back.

"But that's a long time! I won't be able to see you for that long!!!" Oikawa replied as he tightened his grip.

"I'll be back soon. I'm leaving tomorrow but my mom said we could have a sleepover tonight." Iwazumi replied as he pulled away from the hug.

Oikawa wiped the tears from his eyes with a nod.

"Okay Iwa-chan. Let's go watch a movie!" He said with a grin as he grabbed Iwazumi's hand and dragged him inside of the house.

*When they are in middle school*

Oikawa and Iwazumi were about to be going into highschool.

The two were currently at their last middle school Volleyball game and it had just ended.

Their team had ended by two points.

Everyone lined up and bowed, "Thank you for the game." They all said before shaking hands and cleaning up the gym.

Most everyone went out to eat exsept for Oikawa and Iwazumi.

Owikawa walked up to Iwazumi, his face a little scratched up from tripping and falling into the floor at a point in the game.

"Iwa-chan... please don't leave me." He said as a few tears fell from his eyes and he looked away from the slightly shorter boy while grabbing into the sleeve of his jacket.

Iwazumi looked at Oikawa before resting his hand on the taller's shoulder.

"I'm not going to leave. We both applied to the same school, Aoba Johsai. Even if we don't both get in then we live near each other and will see each other that way." He said with an eyeroll showing his "tough love" type.

"Y-yeah your right. Sorry Iwa." Oikawa said as he wiped his eyes on the back of his jack sleeve.

"Whatever Crappy-kawa, let's go to my place for dinner. My mom is making her famous curry." Iwazumi said as he started to walk twards the lockerroom to change into his normal clothes.

"Mean Iwa-chan." Oikawa mumbled with a small smile referring to the rude nickname Iwazumi have him.

Iwazumi just rolled his eyes with a small smile of his own while Oikawa joined him in the lockerroom.

*They are both 3rd years in highschool*

Oikawa and Iwazumi were over at Oikawa's house, both of them sitting down on his bed in silence.

"Iwa... this is our last year at highschool..." Oikawa trailed off as he looked at his long time crush.

"Yeah it is?" Iwazumi replied sounding confused until he saw tears start to roll down Oikawa's face.

Instead of saying anything, Oikawa rested his forehead against Iwa's and shutting his eyes .

"You don't have to say anything." Iwazumi said as he realized what was going on and wrapped his arms around Oikawa.

Oikawa had always been insecure and had abandonment issues.

"I'm not leaving you, if we go in different directions for college or just life in general then we will still stay in contact with each other. When we have jobs and are out of college then we can go back to hanging out all of the time. I'm never leaving you." He comforted as Oikawa hugged him back, nuzzling his head into the crook of Iwa's neck.

"Promise?" He asked as his stray tears made Iwazumi's shirt wet.

"Promise." Iwa replied before kissing the top of Oikawa's head.

Oikawa blushed at the action but stayed quiet thinking that it didn't mean much.

"Because this is the last year of highschool... I should probably confess something so maybe if you feel the same way we can make the most of it." Iwazumi started as he moved so they were now laying down on the bed instead of sitting up before continuing.

"If you don't feel the same way we can pretend this never happened and go on being friends. Anyway, I like you as more than a friend and if you like me back then I was wondering if you would be my boyfriend?" He asked knowing that he shouldn't beat around the bush.

"Really?! Your not joking right? If this is a joke I will kick you out of the house right now." Oikawa said with a gasp as he sat up some so he could look Iwa in the eyes.

"No its not a joke, why would I joke about something like that?" Iwazumi asked looking slightly hurt that Oikawa would thing he would do something that fucked up.

"I dont know! I was just making sure, in that case yes I will be your boyfriend!" Oikawa replied with a large smile, both of them slowly loosing themselves in the other's eyes.

"May I?" Iwazumi asked as he glanced down at Oikawa's lips.

Oikawa nodded, not trusting his voice at the moment.

Iwazumi wrapped one of his hands around the back of Oikawa's neck and pulled him close, their lips connecting in a sweet simple kiss.

The two pulled apart after a minute, Oikawa resting his forehead against Iwazumi's with a smile.

"Can we watch an alien movie and cuddle now?" He asked getting a chuckle from the latter.

"Sure." Iwa replied making Oikawa cheer before getting up and grabbing the alien DVD and putting it in the player.

The two fell asleep in each other's arms, Oikawa's head on Iwazumi's chest as their arms were around each other and their legs tangled as well, the movie playing quietly in the background.

Ever since then the two have been dating and when college came the two stayed together through FaceTime, messages, and calls. They would also go and visit each other whenever they could.

They eventually got married and adopted a baby boy, starting a beautiful family together.
1,008 Words! Idk how to finnish this so sorry, I suck at endings over-all 😅

Anyway, I hope you all have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖

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