❤️‍🔥Shower Sex (OC)

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From-  My drafted book "Freaks"

Background info- Nex is a demon (aka one of the "freaks") and Acid is the "Freaks tamer/collector". Nex has fallen for Acid and Acid has accepted his fate as Nex's mate~

Kinks- Low-key degrading & hair pulling (& biting but not really)

Type- Dry fucking anal
⚠️This one is kind of fucked up before the smutt happens & LONG AF⚠️

"Acid~ can you come here please?!" Nex yelled from his cage in the room of all the freaks.

"Oh would you shut up already! We get that you like master, you don't have to call for him every single hour!" Alexis hissed from her own cage.

"Let him be in love Love, you know we have each so it's only fair that he has his own romance." Flura said as she pulled her human/snake hybrid lover into her lap.

"Yes but we aren't together every hour and don't go batshit crazy when we are apart." 'Lexis  replied as she cuddled into her wolf/human hybrid girlfriend, throwing Nex an eyeroll as she did so.

"Acid!!! Lex is being a bitch to me!!!" Nex yelled up to the ceiling where he knew Acid would be.

"I've told you not to call me that." Alexis snapped with a hard, cold glare.

Nex just stuck his tongue out at her.


Nex instantly perked up at the sound of the door unlocking upstairs. Acid was coming down!

"Why are you all yelling this late at night?" Acid asks as he walked down the stairs, clearly tired.

"Your demon boyfriend wanted you. Please master, I beg of you make him shut up." Alexis said making Acid look over to her.

"Is this true Nex?" Acid asked as he looked over at the demon boy.

"Yes actually, can I come up with you? Please please please?" Nex answered with pleading eyes that were extra powerful with his natural demon charm.

Acid looked over at Alexis and Flura who were both also giving him pleading looks wanting Nex gone even if just for one night.

"Fine." Acid sighed as he moved over to the cage, unlocking it for Nex who instantly bounced out of it, a large smile across his face.

"Anyone else need or want anything while I'm down here?" Acid asked as he looked around the large room of freaks, monsters, and creatures.

A collective saying of "No master." went around the large room from all of the freaks that were awake.

"Alright then, let's go pet." He said turning back to the stairs, pulling Nex by the collar he wore.

"Ooooo~ new name. I don't know if I like this one or not." Nex hummed as he walked beside of Acid.

"I figured it was the most appropriate out of all the names so far." Acid hummed back before shutting the door to downstairs and turning back to Nex.

"Now why did you want to see me?" He asked looking the demon up and down before settling his eyes on the other's face.

"Because I wanted a hug." Nex said with a small smile that easly let on that a hug wasn't all he wanted.

"You could have hugged me down there if that's all you wanted. Now what do you really want?" Acid asked as Nex opened his arms for a hug, only to drop them at his words.

"You want the truth?" Nex asked as a pink blush dusted his pale cheeks.

*Unless he was in full demon form he looked more like a vampire with his pale skin, long black hair, and almost completely black eyes, only a speck of red showing in them.*

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