💗Outfits (Wolfstar)

76 4 0

6th year

"Moony! Come in here please!" James yelled from the stairs the led up to the boys dorms.

"Why?" Remus yelled back from the common room.

Everyone was used to the Maraders yelling and doing crazy things do nobody batted an eye when the two started yelling.

"Because I said so, come on. You can do your potions paper later! It's not due for another month!" James yelled while running down the stairs and twards Remus.

"But I'm almost done with it, I'll be up in a minute." Remus said while James sighed.

"I didnt want to have to do this but... Padfoot!!! Come down here please!" James yelled up the stairs.

Remus's eyes widened slightly but he continued to work on his parchment.

"Yes Jamie?" Sirius asked once he was down the stairs.

"Can you try and get Remus upstairs so we can do the thing with him?" James asked making Sirius grin.

"Ok! Ooooh Moony~" Sirius purred once he was close to Remus.

"Yes Pads?" Remus replied, still not looking up from his parchment.

"Can you come upstairs please?" Sirius asked with his puppy dog eyes. Him being an animagus dog helped a lot.

*sigh* "Fine, let me pack everything up first." Remus sighed with a small smile. He always thought that Sirius was cute when he wasn't even trying to be so him just asking withought the special eyes.

James waved his wand over all of Remus's stuff and everything was packed up.

"Thanks." Remus said while glaring slightly twards him.

Sirius smiled brightly and then grabbed both James and Sirius's hands and ran upstairs.

Once they where up to their dorms Remus sat down onto his bed while Sirius sat next to him. James left to his bed.

"I dare you to wear this for the rest of the day." James said while handing him a Pink Floid shirt and some ripped skinny jeans.

"Why? They look like something Padfoot would wear." Remus stated while taking the clothes.

"Oh well. Its a dare so you need to do it." James said while pushing Remus into the bathroom.

"Ok, ok, calm down." Remus said with a huff as James shut the door in his face.

*After Remus changed*

"I look weird...well weirder that normal." Remus said, he was still in the bathroom. He didnt want to be seen in this type if Muggle clothing.

"Come on Moony, I bet you look great!" James said while moving to open the door.

"And you don't always look weird, you look great on the normal." Sirius added, still sitting on Remus's bed.

Remus came out of the bathroom with a sigh while he covered his face with his hands.

"Woah..." Sirius said while he looked Remus over.

James smirked. "Well I have to go and practice for my next Quidich match, see you two tonight for dinner." James said before quickly leaving.

"That was weird... his next match isn't for a few weeks. And your on the team too so shouldn't you be out there too?" Remus asked while sitting down next to Sirius.

"I dont know, he is probably out to mess with Lilly." Sirius replied while trying not to stare too much.

"What is it? Do I have something in my hair?" Remus asked, having seen Sirious staring at him.

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