💗Detention (Drarry)

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Okay so this one is more of a Drarry shot but it also has Wolfstar and Jegulus in it! This oneshot was requested by my best friend siriuslyfkinsexy 💖
⚠️Talk of sex, someone being embarrassed⚠️

"Oi Malfoy! Snob off!" Harry Potter yelled to his secret boyfriend.

Currently everyone was in the Great Hall for dinner. Draco Malfoy had walked over to the Griffendor table to mess with his boyfriend and his boyfriends friends.

Draco had just spilled Ron's Pumpkin Juice all over Ron's robes.

"And what if I don't?" Draco challenged as he moved closer to Harry.

"Don't come any closer Malfoy." Harry threatened as he raised his wand and pointed it twards Draco.

He would obviously never use it against Draco but this was to keep up their enemie act.

Before the act could continue Snape came over to them with a quick "Expelliarmus." Spell to Harry who's wand flew up into the air and then to Snape's hand.

"That is enough you two. Mr.Potter you will have detention with Flinch right after dinner today. Now Mr.Malfoy go back to your table at once." Snape snapped before strutting away back to the teacher's table.

"Bollocks." Harry cursed under his breath as he put his wand away (Snape had given it back before he left).

"Sorry mate." Ron said before getting up. "I'm going to go and change into some dry robes then head to the Black Lake. Don't try and follow me please." He said before leaving.

Harry raised a brow before looking twards Hermione.

"He has a date with Blaise Zabin today at the Black Lake, thats why he doesn't want us following him." Hermione stated with a smile.

"Zabin? Really? Huh, never thought he would date a Slytherin." Harry said with a smile of his own.

"Oh please Harry, I know you fancy Draco so don't even go there." Hermione quipt back.

"And you like Pansy so..." Harry trailed off, not knowing what to say after.

Hermione blushed at the statement but didn't deny anything.

By now dinner was over and Snape glared at Harry, silently telling him to get moving.

"Well I guess I have detention, see you later 'Mione." Harry said with a sigh before standing up and walking twards Flinch.

"Come on then." Flinch said as he got up and hobbled out of the Great Hall with Harry trailing behind him.

Flinch led Harry to a room he had never seen before.

It was a massive room full of file cabinets.

"Organize these and make sure they are in order. You only have to do this half tonight or you'll be out past hours." Flinch said as he pointed to a corner of the room.

"Don't take anythin' or you'll be in more trouble." Flinch stated before leaving the room to go search for other students that weren't doing what they where supposed to.

With a heavy sigh Harry moved over to the cabinet files and opened the first drawer.

As he looked through he saw that they where files of everyone's detentions and the reason why they where in detention.

When he was done with one file cabinet he had one other to go through before he was done for the day.

So far the most anyone had was twenty detentions.

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