💗Feel the power (Platonic Lee, Sasuke, & Naruto)

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Ships- side Sasuke x Naruto
Age- idk, young-ish
⚠️-Cussing, crying (but happy tears)

It was a normal day in the Leaf Village, everyone was either training or relaxing while they could.

"Hey bushy brows! Do you want to feel what Jutsu feels like?" Naruto asked Lee as he walked up to the boy, Sasuke and Sakura following behind him.

Lee, Tenten, and Neji all looked up at him like he was crazy.

"You already know he can't, why would you say something like that?" Neji asked, his protective friend mode on. (Only he was aloud to pick on Lee.)

"Because he can! Sasuke and I will put our jutsu's above his hand and see if he can feel the power!" Naruto replied with a large smile as Sasuke rolled his eyes.

"Oh come on Sasuke, do it for Lee." Sakura said as she nudged his shoulder with her own.

Naruto heard her and turned to face the two. "Or you can not do it and not get any kisses or cuddles for the rest of the week." He added confusing all of Team Guy.

Sasuke blushed at Naruto openly saying that as he looked tward the ground. "I was going to do it anyway." He said before adding "And you would suffer more than I would withought those things."

Naruto rolled his eyes but didn't deny anything before turning back to the other team.

"So how about we try it out?!" He asked Lee with a large grin.

"Um...Okay, if it will give me the chance to feel how a jutsu feels like then I will do it." Lee answered with his own smile.

So the three moved over to a rock and sat down.

Naruto and Sasuke created their jutsu's and placed them above Lee's hands (as shown in art above).

Lee's eyes widened as tears pricked at the corner of his eyes.

Naruto smiled widely at the reaction. "Can you feel it?" He asked curiously as Neji, Tenten, and Sakura watched them.

Lee nodded, not trusting his voice to not crack.

"Thats great!" Naruto cheered as Sasuke looked away from the two and at Sakura who was grinning from ear to ear.

"What are you smiling at?" He asked making her look at him.

"Oh, nothing. It's just that Lee didn't have a chance of feeling what a Jutsu feels like until this. It's just really cool." Sakura replied with an embarrassed blush.

"I have to admit this is pretty cool." Neji agreed as Tenten nodded with a large smile of her own.

"Do you want to try and fire them at a tree?" Naruto asked making Lee's eyes widen.

"How would I do that?" He asked with a curious tone.

"You would hold the back of our hands and then blast them into a tree!" Naruto explained, his smile never fading.

"Are you sure? Doesn't this take a lot of Chakra?" Lee asked not wanting Naruto or Sasuke to be drained.

"It's fineeee, we will be perfectly okay. Now let's go to that tree!" Naruro said as he stood up, the other two following his lead.

Once they reached a large trunked tree, Lee brought Naruto's hand up and drove it through the trunk.

The tree was half way cut.

"Woah." Lee breathed out as Naruto took his hand away now that the jutsu had been used.

"Cool right?!" He asked as Sasuke allowed Lee to move his hand around.

"Very cool." Lee replied before taking Sasuke's hand and mimicking the movements from before but this time with his other hand.

The tree fell to the ground with a loud thud as the ground shook for a second.

A few birds flew from other trees along with other animals.

Sasuke brought his hand away from Lee's as he moved over to Naruto.

"So how does it feel?" Tenten asked as she, Neji, and Sakura all walked up to the three.

"Powerful." Lee answered with a wide grin.

The others smiled at his answer.

"What is going on over here?" Kakashi asked as he jumped down from a tree and infront of the group.

"Kakashi sensei! Sasuke and I were showing Lee what jutsu felt like!" Naruto answered as he heald Sasuke's hand.

Kakashi looked at their linked hands with a raised brow for a second before looking over at the fallen tree.

"Okay but don't do it much more or else you will drain yourselves and we don't need you all damaging more trees." He said with a nod before leaving once again.

"I'm hungry, let's go get some Ramen!" Naruto exclaimed as he grabbed Lee's hand.

Lee grabbed Neji's hand who grabbed Tenten's, who grabbed Sakura's (Naruto's other hand was still holding Sasuke's).

Naruto jumped so they all followed and they went up into the trees where they headed twards the village.

The three ended up getting Ramen together, Lee talking about how crazy the jutsu's felt and how thankful he was for Naruto and Sasuke allowing him to do what they all did.

Eventually it became dark and they all returned home, Sasuke going to stay with Naruto for the night while everyone else went to their own homes.

*At Naruto's house*

"Thank you for doing that for Bushy-brows." Naruto said as he flopped down onto his bed now in his pajamas.

"Yeah whatever, just give me cuddles." Sasuke replied with a small smile.

Naruto smiled as Sasuke came into the bed next to him.

As they both got under the covers Naruto cuddled up to his chest.

"Goodnight." He muttered as he nuzzled his his head into Sasuke's chest/shoulder giving it a quick kiss.

"Goodnight." Sasuke replied as he gave Naruto a quick kiss on the top of his head.

The two fell asleep rather quickly after that.

*no longer focused on anyone specific*

Lee had went home and told his parents all about what Sasuke and Naruto had done that day with a large smile.

Everyone else did the same to their own parents but added whatever else they did that day before they all fell asleep.

1,023 Words! This sucked so badly & I am so sorry about that!!! (I wasn't really movotaved to make it/write at all...)

Anyway, I hope you all have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖

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