💗Protective (Tuskkiyama)

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⚠️- Cussing, verbal fight, yelling

It was around the middle of the day and everyone was in class.

Because it was close to lunch time Tsukishima and Yamaguchi's teacher allowed everyone to talk quietly amongst themselves while they waited for the bell to ring.

"Did you get a haircut Tsuki?" Yamaguchi asked as he looked over at his tall friend/crush.

"Yeah I did, why?" Tsukishima answered as he placed his headphones around his neck so he could hear Yam's better.

"It looks good!" Yamaguchi replied with a grin making the taller male blush.

"Shut up Yamaguchi." He muttered as he looked away slightly.

"Gomen Tsuki." Yamaguchi giggled with a small blush of his own.

"Yeah you should shut up Yamaguchi." Some random student yelled.

Tsukishima instantly stood up and looked twards the person who said that.

"Wait Tsuki!" Yamaguchi said as he tried to get Tsukishima to sit back down.

"What the fuck did you just say?" Tsukishima growled at the kid who snapped at his small bean of a friend.

"I was just agreeing with you, he talks too much." The kid replied taking a step back from the clearly mad boy.

"Don't do that. Nobody is aloud to tell him to shut up but me. If you paid any attention then you would see that I only tell him to shut up when he says something nice about me. Now you better watch your fucking mouth because next time I won't be so nice." Tsukishima stated as he towered over the kid who was now shrinking in on himself.

"That goes for all of you, not just this bitch." Tsukishima snapped as he looked around the classroom seeing as everyone was already watching them.

"Tsuki! You can't say things like that in school!" Yamaguchi said as he walked up to Tsukishima.

Their teacher had been watching the entire time but didn't look like she was going to say anything.

Before Tsukishima could reply the lunch bell rang and everyone walked out of the room.

"I don't give a fuck if I get introuble for defending you. Hell I don't care if I get expelled, nobody is going to be rude to you and get away with it." Tsukishima said as he and Yamaguchi packed up their things and went to the cafeteria.

"You don't have to do all of that Tsuki..." Yamaguchi trailed off as he looked towards the ground while the two sat down at their table in the cafeteria.

They both pulled out their own Bento boxes before putting the rest of their things down in the floor.

"I know I dont have to, I want to though." Tsukishima mumbled making Yamaguchi's blush darken.

Before their conversation could continue, Hinaga and Kageyama came over and sat beside of them, Kageyama beside of Tsukishima and Hinata beside Yamaguchi.

"Hi guys!" Hinata greated as he ploped down giving Yamaguchi a quick hug before opening his own Bento box.

"Hello Hinata, Kageyama." Yamaguchi greated back as Kageyama gave a small nod of acknowledge and Tsukishima grumbled at the two intruders.

"Are you okay Yama? You look a little red." Hinata asked instantly getting a glare from the tall blond.

"Oh, I'm fine just a little cold." Yamaguchi lied, he knew that he was blushing because of what Tsukishima had said earlier but he didn't want to tell Hinata that.

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