💗Mornings (Destiel)

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*Human!/Fallen!Cas* ⚠️Slight cussing⚠️

3rd pov.
"Hello Dean." Cas said as he hugged Dean from behind, shocking Dean (as seen in photo above). "Hey Cas, are you feeling alright?" Dean asked as he cleaned up the coffee he had accidentally spilled.

"Im so tiredddd." Cas mumbled while he put his head in the crook of Dean's shoulder.

"So when your tired you get all touchy?" Dean asked with a chuckle.

"Maybe..." Cas trailed off, slightly loosening his grip on Dean. "I can leave you alone if you would like me too." Cas stated while taking a small step back.

"Nonono, its fine Cas, really. Lets go to the living room so we can be more comfortable." Dean said quickly. He and Cas then walked into the living room with Cas leaning on Dean's arm/side.

Destiel then sat down on the couch and Cas cuddled up to Dean while Dean turned on some Netflix.

After a few minutes Cas was just about asleep again when Sam came in loudly. "Hey guys, so get thi-" Sam quickly cut himself off with a squeal after seeing what was happening. He took a photo, sent it to Charlie with a text that said "Send this to EVERYONE! DESTIEL IS REAL!!!" and then put his phone away.

While Sam was doing that Cas groaned in annoyance and barried his face into Dean's chest making them both blush.

"So when did you two confess to each other? Who did it? I know you have both loved each other for forever now." Sam asked, not realizing that they where "platonicly cuddling".

"W-what?" Dean choked on his coffee, making Cas sit up quickly and pat his back. "So you like me too?" Cas asked once Dean stopped coughing. "Y-yes." Dean said, mentally cursing himself for stuttering. He never stutters!

"Well would you like to be my boyfriend?" Cas asked while blushing.

"Um... I mean yah if your sure you want too." Dean said while blushing crimson.

"Of course I want too, why else would I have asked?" Cas asked with his cute head tilt.

Before Dean could respond theh both heard Sam squeal loudly. "OMG CHARLIE PLEASE TELL ME YOU SAW THAT!!!" Sam yelled to Charlie who was flipping out on her side of the phone. "YES!!! DESTIEL IS CANNON!!! MY SHIP HAS SAILED BIT*HES!!!" Charlie yelled through the screan making Cas and Dean blush.

"Hello Charlie." Cas said politely as he waved to her over the video chat. "Hey Cas! Hey Dean! Now that you two are together go do something fun! Also use protection if you are gonna go that way! Bye Bit*hes!!!"  Carlie yelled and then hung up.

"Well I am gonna go and hang out with Gabe, you two have fun!" Sam yelled as he ran out of the bunker.

"Well that just happened." Cas stated while cuddling back into Dean's side. "Yes, yes it did." Dean said with a smile.

For the rest of the day Dean and Cas watched Nexflix while cuddling on the couch, only getting up to eat and use the bathroom.

519 Words!

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