💗"Wait..." (Kyouhaba)

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⚠️Cussing, yelling, f slur, family drama/trama, current abuse, talk of past abuse, crying, self hate, negative self thoughts, death of someone's mom⚠️ *I swear this is fluffy* This was requested by KbaeStar but I not taking requests yet, they are just my twin sooo yeah...

"KENTARŌ GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE NOW!" Kyoutani's father yelled waking him with a start.

He quickly got out of bed and down to where his father was waiting for him.

"Get ready for school now and DON'T come back until you are rid if your fucking faze of being a fag!" His father yelled harshly making Kentarō take a step back.

"I-" he stated to say something before SMACK! His father hit him across the face before punching him in the nose.

"GO GET READY FOR SCHOOL AND PACK A BAG! YOU AREN'T COMING BACK HERE UNTIL YOU ARE FIXED!" His father yelled making him nod before running back upstairs, tears bringing his eyes.

He quickly stuffed his largest backpack full of clothes, toiletries, his phone, phone charger, and a small photo he had of the entire team.

He then grabbed his school supplies and carried them in his arms before leaving the house.

(He also had changed into day clothes and put on shoes.)

*After school*

"Hey Kyoutani! You better not try and skip practice again." Oikawa said as he and Iwazumi walked up to him.

He flinched slightly at the sudden loud tone Oikawa was speaking in before putting his mask back up.

"I won't, and that was one time." He replied with an eyeroll.

"It still happened and I won't let it happen again!" Oikawa said as they all entered the gym.

During practice Kyoutani was off. He was even hit in the face with a stray ball from Maki but he didn't yell or snap at him like he normally would.

*After practice*

"Are you okay Kyoutani?" Iwazumi asked as they finnished up in the locker room.

"Yes?" Kyoutani replied sounding confused as to why he would ask that question so randomly.

"Okay." Iwa said before leaving the locker room with Oikawa.

"Weird..." He thought before grabbing his bag.

He had left his school stuff in the school building's lockers so he wouldn't have to worry about carrying it around with him.

He then saw Yahaba start to walk out of the gym and followed him.

Yahaba was one of the only people he would even consider asking to stay over even if it was just for the night because even though the boy annoyed the everything out of him, he still trusted him.

"Wait." He muttered as he grabbed onto the bottom of Yahaba's shirt confusing the boy.

Yahaba turned around only to become more confused at the sight of Kyoutani looking down at the ground, still holding onto his shirt.

"Yes?" He asked as Kyoutani let go of his shirt.

"C-could I crash at your place tonight? It's fine if you say no though." Kyoutani asked as he scratched the back of his neck, internally cursing himself for stuttering.

"Um yeah I guess. Can I ask why though?" Yahaba agreed as he turned so he was now fully facing the slightly shorter male.

"You can ask but I probably won't answer." Kyoutani replied as he moved his eyes up so he was now looking Yahaba in the eyes.

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