💔/💗"Shut up..." (Wolfstar)

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Created- 2-23-21
⚠️Bl**d, cuts⚠️
It was the night of the full moon and Sirius was the only one that could make it to help Remus.

James was busy making sure Regulus wouldn't do anything dumb while they where away and Peter had fallen asleep early so he wasn't there.

Remus's wolf Comet had decided to play with Sirius in a way that most dogs play together. Low key fighting.

When the night was over Remus's bones broke and came back together as he transformed from Comet yo himself.

Sirius quickly changed into his human form as well and got up, grabbing a blanket from the tattered bed and wrapped it around Remus's waist.

He then gently moved Remus so he was sitting infront of him, leaning up against the bed for support.

"You know you don't have to do this... I can... go to Madam Pomfrey." Remus said as Sirius started to wipe away the blood from his scars.

"Why should she have all the fun? I like cleaning your face." Sirius replied with a grin making Remus blush.

"Listen... I'm so sorry for tonight.. I don't know what came over me. I didn't want to hurt you." Remus said with a sigh making Sirius pause.

"Moony..." Sirius said with a small smile.

"What?" Remus replied with a cute head tilt.

"Shut up." Sirius said with a larger smile making Remus blush but smile as well.

Sirius continued to clean up Remus's scars until they where done.

"Can you walk?" Sirius asked as he put up his supplies that he used to clean Remus's cuts with away.

"I think so." Remus replied as he attempted to stand up.

His legs buckled and he fell forward.

If it weren't for Sirius's quick reflexes Remus would have been giving the floor a high five with his face.

But instead Remus was caught by Sirius.

"Ok so that's a no. Get on my back and I will carry you." Sirius said as he turned around and squatted down some so Remus could get onto his back easily.

"Padfoot I will crush you if I try and do that." Remus attempted to defend only to be scooped up by Sirius.

"You underestimate my strength dear Moony." Sirius said while Remus tightened his grip on Sirius, making sure he didn't fall off.

"Oh shut up." Remus said with a smile as Sirius laughed.

Sirius walked them all the way back to their dorm room. By the time they got there though Sirius was very tired because he had stayed up all night and carried Moony on his back up a ton of flights of stairs.

Sirius gently set Remus down onto his bed before collapsing onto the bed next to him.

James and Regulus woke up and instantly where at the two's sides.

"What happened to you two? Why do you have cuts on your arms and face? And why are you so out of breath?" Regulus asked his brother while hugging him.

"Comet and I started playing around and he accidentally scratched me. I also had to carry Rem over here on my back all the way from the Shreaking Shack to here so that's why I'm out of breath." Sirius explained as James checked over Remus's scars.

"Oh, that makes sense. You need rest then, you both do! We still have classes later on today." Regulus said as he pulled out of the hug with Sirius and moved to hug Remus.

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