💗Touch Starved (Kyouhaba)

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⚠️Someone being touch starved, cussing, long af⚠️ (I made Kyoutani's home life much more depressing than it actually is)

"Alright everyone! That's the end of practice for today! Make sure to get plenty of sleep for our practice match against Nekoma tomorrow!" Oikawa said cheerfully to the team.

Everyone started to put the equipment up in the equipment room before going into the locker rooms and changing.

"Hey Kyoutani, Yahaba! I have an assignment for you two." Oikawa said with a smile that instantly made Kyoutani uneasy but he didn't show it.

"What?" He grunted as he slung his gym bag over his shoulder, Yahaba doing the same with his own bag.

"I want one of you to go to the others house and have a sleepover! You two need to get along better than what you do currently! We would make it a full team bonding thing but I think you two need it the most right now." Oikawa said, his smile brightening when he saw the two's reactions.

Yahaba's eyes widened in shock while Mad-Dog rolled his eyes.

"Your kidding me right?" Yahaba asked as he looked twards Iwazumi, hoping that he could do something about Oikawa.

Iwa gave him an appoligetic smile knowing that Oikawa was trying to get his ships together and now there wasn't anything he could do.

"Nope! Have fun boy's and don't kill each other." Oikawa said, popping the 'p' before turning around and facing Iwa.

"Lets go Iwa-chan!" He said as he grabbed Iwa's hand and pulled him out of the locker room.

"I don't even want to know where they are going." Maki muttered getting a laugh from Matsui.

With a sigh Kyoutani started to walk out of the locker room, planing on going home and ignoring Oikawa's assignment when he felt his phone buzz in his pocket.

He pulled it out and his eyes quickly scanned over the message.

From- Oikawa
If you don't have a sleepover or at least stay the day over with Yahaba I will find out and will make you do fifty flying laps around the gym.

He rolled his eyes again before turning around to face Yahaba.

"So who's house are we staying at?" He asked sounding annoyed. It was an act, he actually rather liked Yahaba but he wouldn't be telling anyone that any time soon.

Yahaba looked shocked that he was actually agreeing to what Oikawa told them to do before seeing his phone.

"Whichever one your okay with." Yahaba replied as the two started to walk twards the exit of the building.

"So yours?" Kyoutani asked not really wanting Yahaba to see his house, the empty small house.

His parents are almost never home and it has mostly gone to waist, only his room and his parents rooms looking anything close to clean or safe.

"That's fine, do you want to meet up at my house later or do you want to come over now?" Yahaba asked as he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Will your parents mind if I come over now?" Kyoutani asked, he had the act that he didn't care but in reality he didn't want to disrespect Yahaba's parents.

"I don't think so, they are both pretty calm." Yahaba replied getting a nod in responce.

The two walked to Yahaba's house in an awkward silence from then on.

*Once they get to Yahaba's house*

"Shigeru, what took you so lon-" Mrs.Yahaba cut herself off when she saw Kyoutani standing awkwardly next to her son.

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