💗/❤️‍🔥Meet The Family (Kiribaku)

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Date:1-21-21Thank you Galaxywolife for another request!!!💖
⚠️Cussing, handjob, maybe second hand embarrassment?, non-cannon Kiri⚠️
No powers au

UA highschool had just gotten out for the year and it was officially summer break!

All of the students were very excited about this and most of them were out celebrating with their friends or they were home in their rooms enjoying the fact that they wouldn't have to socialize for another few months.

Kirishima and Bakugou on the other hand were currently on Bakugou's mom's -Mitsuki- car on the way to Bakugou's house.

"Its so nice to finally meet you Kirishima, Katsuki talks about you non stop." Mitsuki said back to the redhead as she drove down the road.

"I do not!" Bakugou yelled, his face flushing in embarrassment at being called out.

"Yes you do! Kirishima and 'Damn Deku' are the main two people you talk about! Midoria is the one that you talk negatively about and Kirishima is your best friend." Mitsuki argued back, she knew that Deku was Midoria because her and Midoria's mom's were friends and the boy's grew up together because of it.

"I-" Bakugou attempted to defend but he couldn't think of anything at the moment so he just huffed and rolled his eyes while crossing his arms over his large chest.

"Well it's nice to meet you too Mrs.Bakugou." Kirishima said with a large smile before saying much quieter, "I didn't think you would be one to talk about me~ I hope it's all good things." To Bakugou so Mitsuki wouldn't hear him.

Bakugou blushed darker then before and moved his gaze out the window, flipping Kirishima off before his mom would see.

"Oh please, call me Mitsuki. Mrs.Bakugou makes me sound so old." Mitsuki said with a kind smile.

"Thats because you are old you hag." Bakugou snapped before thinking.

"Bakugou! That was rude! You shouldn't talk to your mother like that." Kirishima scolded before turning to Mitsuki, "I don't think you look a day over twenty three." He said as Bakugou gave him a 'bitch really?' look.

"Well aren't you sweet! Katsuki you better stay friends with him for a long time, he's a good influence on you." Mitsuki said as they pulled into the driveway.

Bakugou gave a meir "tch." Before getting out of the car, Kirishima and Mitsuki also leaving the vehicle.

"You two go ahead up staris to Bakugou's room while I make dinner. Then after dinner you two can stay up late doing whatever to celebrate the end of the school year and the beginning of summer!" Mitsuki said with a large smile as she opened the door to the house before stepping inside and taking her shoes off, both boys following suit and doing the same.

"Whatever." Bakugou huffed before he began to walk upstairs to his room.

"Sounds great, thank you Mrs.B- Mitsuki." Kirishima said with a smile of his own before running after Bakugou.

Once he reached Bakugou's room he knocked on the door seeing as it was shut.

"Its unlocked." Was what he heard in reply so he walked in before shutting the door again behind him.

"So what are these things you talk to your mother about me? Bad things? Good things?" Kirishima asked as he walked into the room and sat down on the end of the bed, Bakugou sitting at the head of the bed looking over at him with a blush dusting his cheeks.

"I don't talk about you, she just wanted to make me embarrassed." Bakugou mumbled as he watched Kirishima move closer to him until he was sitting right beside of him.

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