💗Re-Chargeing (Kagehina)

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⚠️- Cussing

It was the end of a grueling practice at Karasuno and for once in his life, Hinata was tired.

"Oi Hinata Boke!" Kageyama yelled as the team put away the Volleyball equipment, catching the small Tangerine's attention.

"Yes Bakeyama?" he replied tiredly as he looked over at the tall blueberry.

"Want to work receives?" Kageyama asked  not thinking much of how tired Hinata looked.

"Sure... just give me a minute." Hinata replied as he moved closer to the latter.

Sugawara was about to intervene and say how Hinata needs rest before he should work more but he stopped himself when he saw Kageyama open his jacket and Hinata fall into the embrace.

Kageyama wrapped his arms and coat around the smaller boy as Hinata rested his head on Kageyama's shoulder/chest.

Suga held in a squeal as he hit Daichi's shoulder, drawing the attention of his boyfriend.

"Yes Sugar?" Daichi asked as he looked at his love.

"Look! I think they might finally get together!" Suga replied with a large smile, pointing at the younger boys.

"Maybe but I doubt it, they have done this a few times before." Daichi replied as he hugged Suga.

Suga pouted slightly but still had some hope for the two.

"Do you want to work on receiving now?" Kageyama asked, some of Hinata's hair getting in his mouth as he spoke.

"In a minute." Hinata replied as he tightened his grip on their hug, nuzzling his head into the crook of Kageyama's neck.

"Okay." Kag's replied as he too tightened his grip on the hug.

"When did you two get together?! Why didn't you tell us your favorite senpis?!" Noya asked as he and Tanaka came up to the two.

"We aren't together Noya-san." Kageyama replied as he moved his head so he could look at the two better.

"Well you two sure do look comfortable together~" Tanaka teased with a smirk, Noya agreeing with him.

"I'm re-charging." Hinata mumbled, his voice muffled by Kageyama's chest.

"Re-charging? Shouldn't you eat food or drink water to do that?" Tanaka asked sounding confused as Enoshita and Asahi came over to the group.

"Nope, this is how I re-charge." Hinata said popping the "p", his lips brushing against Kageyama's collarbone making the latter blush.

"What's going on over here?" Enoshita asked making Tanaka and Noya turn around.

"We are trying to get these two together but they are doing most of the work themselves." Noya said before jumping up on Asahi's back, wrapping his arms around his shoulders and legs around his torso.

"They look like they are just hugging to me." Enoshita said as Tanaka slung an arm around his shoulders.

"Well Hinata says that he is "re-charging" and this is how he does so instead of drinking water or eating a snack." Tanaka stated adding air quotes for "re-chargeing".

"How about we just leave them alone guys." Asahi asked as he kept Noya up on his back, wrapping his arms around his legs so he wouldn't fall.

"I love how they all talk about us like we aren't here." Kagayama said to Hinata making the others flush.

"I agree, it's funny." Hinata giggled as he lifted his head from Kageyama's chest.

"Lets go practice receives now!" He said as he attempted to get out of the embrace only to be stopped by Kageyama's jacket.

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