💔/💗Fight (Kiribaku)

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This was requested by Galaxywolife 💖
⚠️Yelling, cussing, crying, self hate, negative self thoughts⚠️ *Aged up*
Once again they are married and are both named Kirishima but I am using Bakugou and Kirishima still bc it's easier 🙃

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Bakugou yelled as he walked into his and his lover's house.

It had been a long stressful day for the number one hero and he really just wanted to come home, eat a quick dinner and then sleep for a week.

Instead, when he came home he was greated with half of the kitchen on fire.

"I WAS TRYING TO MAKE DINNER!" Kirishima yelled back as he got the sink hose to try and put the fire out, it didn't work very well but it did something to help.

"MOVE YOU DUMB FUCK!" Bakugou yelled as he shoved Kirishima out of the kitchen before grabbing the fire extinguisher and putting the fire out with it.

"HOW DID YOU EVEN DO THAT?!" Bakugou yelled as he chucked the fire extinguisher into the large sink before walking out of the room to where Kirishima was waiting.

"I was trying to make Ramen when a towel caught on fire. I panicked and flung it down onto the counter and it caught the bread box on fire. Everything after was triggered by that." Kirisima explained in a small voice.

"God fucking dammit your so- nevermind." Bakugou took a deep breath as he tried to stay calm.

"I'm going to go and pick up some dinner. Stay here and DON'T go near the kitchen okay?" He asked making Kirishima nod, not making eye contact.

"I'll be back in about thirty minutes, love you." Bakugou said before turning around and leaving out the door hearing Kirishima whisper a "love you too." back to him.

Once Bakugou was out of the door and Kirishima could hear his car pull out of the driveway he broke.

Tears pooled in his eyes before flowing down his face in a stream.

"Why am I so fucking usless? I can't do anything right!" Kirishima cried as he punched the punching bag that was in their livingroom, punching a hole straight through the middle of it.

"All I wanted to do was make fucking dinner for my husband and I couldn't even do that! God fucking dammit!" Kirishima yelled through his tears, extremely frustrated with himself.

"Why am I such a fuck up?" He whimpered as he colapsed onto the ground infront of the couch.

He slowly curled into a ball, his knees coming up to his chest as he wrapped his arms around them before barring his face in them.

There he quietly sobbed until he heard the door open.

"Kiri? Where are you?" Bakugou asked as he kicked his shoes off, a bag of sushi in his hands.

Bakugou was already home? How long had Kirishima been crying?

"I-" Kirishima's voice cracked so he cleared his throat as he quickly wiped his eyes and face trying to make it look like he hadn't been crying this entire time.

"I'm I'm the living room." He answered, his voice coming out surprisingly strong considering he had just been crying for the past thirty minutes.

Kirishima could hear Bakugou drop something off in the kitchen before coming into the livingroom.

"What are you doing on the floor?" Bakugou asked making Kirishima flush, he had forgotten he was sitting on the floor.

"Because I'm gay and gays can't sit right. Also the floor is comfortable." Kirishima answered with a little laugh hoping that his quick thinking would work and that Bakugou would buy it.

Bakugou stared at him for a second, instantly making Kirishima self conscious and loose eye contact.

"You have been crying... why?" Bakugou asked as he walked over to Kirishima, sitting right next to him and cupping his face with one of his hands.

"I don't know what your talking about, I haven't been crying." Kirishima attempted to deny as he pulled Bakugou's hand down from his face, instead making them hold hands.

"Don't lie to me, I can see the tear stains on your face. Why were you crying? If it was because of me yelling earlier I'm sorry about that. I shouldn't have yelled and called you what I did, I was just really stressed and needed to take a chill pill." Bakugou said with a small smile when he heard Kirishima laugh lightly at the last sentence.

"Well it was partly because of that but mostly because of me. Don't worry about it though, I'm fine. Let's go eat." Kirishima said as he began to stand up only to be pulled back down and onto Bakugou's lap.

"Eijiro, we are married, we promised to not keep secrets from one another. Now please tell me why you were crying." Bakugou stated as he wrapped one of his arms around Kirishima's waist as the other was still being held by the redhead.

Kirishima sighed heavily before answering, "I just- I can't ever do anything right. All I wanted to do was make you dinner because I know that today was a big day for you considering how many times you were on the news. I wanted to make today stress free from right once you walked through that door to tomorrow but I couldn't. I fucked it up and just made you even more stressed in the process of burning down half of our kitchen." Kirishima explained, tears pricking his eyes again but this time not falling.

"Aww baby, that was a sweet thought. It's perfectly fine now though. Once we are done eating we can take a nice relaxing bath together and then have lazy sex or sleep depending on which one you want to do. Then your intentions will come true okay?" Bakugou whispered into Kirishima's ear before kissing his temple.

"Okay, I love you." Kirishima smiled making Bakugou smile back at him.

"I love you too, now let's go eat." Bakugou said before picking Kirishima up and walking them both into the kitchen where they both ate their sushi.

Once they were done they had a nice and relaxing Lavender bubble, bubble bath before falling asleep cuddled in each other's arms as promised.

The two always had their ups and downs in their relationship but they always got over them together. ❤💛

1,066 Words!

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