💗Veelas (SS Ships)

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Prinxiety, Demus, Logicality, & Thomas x Joan* *Remus is civil when around only Janus & Janus doesn't lie to Remus* 

(EDITED by @Kbaestar)


(3rd pov.)

In the mind place right once it hit 12 O'clock PM all of the sides screamed out in pain (yes even the dark sides & Thomas) but then after about 30 seconds they all passed out from the overwhelming pain.

*Time skip to the morning at 8:30*

Roman, Logan, and Remus all woke up.

(Roman pov.)

I just woke up from last night. The last thing I remember is waking up to a searing pain in my back, like something was trying to push out of it. I decide to get up and check on the other sides because I heard them yelling too.

Right as I sit up I almost fall back down from a VERY heavy weight on my back. Once I have my balance I get up and walk over to my mirror.  

"I HAVE WINGS?! And they are Red and black!" I gasp loudly, but not too loud as to wake the others up. Just then I hear a knock on my door so I go over and open it. "You two have wings too?" I ask with another gasp as I see Logan and Remus standing out of my room. "Yes, may we come in? I need to tell you both what is going on. If I am correct then it should take about an hour to two hours before the others awake." Logan states while walking into my room and sitting down at my desk before I could reply.

 "Um... ok?" I says while shutting the door and sitting next to my twin on my bed.

(Going back in time to Logan's pov.)

I have just woken up and I feel a heavy weight on my back. I get up and look in my mirror and see that I have dark blue and black wings. *sigh* just as I suspected. Last night everyone screamed at 12 O'clock PM, that means that we are all Veelas and we have all come to our inherence. 

Well I should go and see if anyone else is awake. I think as I go outside my room to find Remus with dark green and black wings standing there. "Hey Microsoft Nerd, I was just wondering WHY DO WE ALL HAVE WINGS??? Also why I am awake but Janus isn't?!" He asked clearly confused and annoyed.

"Well if we can find anyone else awake then I will tell all of you together so I don't have to waste my breath." I reply while walking down the hall, keeping my eyes sharp while my ears are listening very carefully for any sounds. I don't hear anything until I get to Roman's room.

 "I HAVE WINGS?! And they are red and black?!" I hear him say. I decide to knock on his door with Remus still behind me. "You two have wings too?!" Roman asked with a loud gasp, gaping at us two. "Yes, may we come in? I need to tell you both what is going on. If I am correct then it should take about an hour to two hours before the others awake." I state while walking into Roman's room, not waiting for a response. 

"Um... ok?" He says while shutting the door and walking over to his bed next to Remus.

(Going back in time again for Remus's pov.)

I woke up and instantly try to go check on Janus. As I stand up I fall right back down from a weight on my back. I get back up, more careful this time and then look in my full length mirror.

 "I HAVE DARK GREEN AND BLACK WINGS?!" I yell confused. I quickly go into Janus's room only to find him passed out on his bed. But he also has wings! His are yellow and grey! Ok so what should I do here? Oh! I know, Logan will know what to do! So I sink down and up to infront of Logan's room. I was about to knock but he opened the door and he also had wings but his where dark blue and black. 

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