💔/💗Subway (Kagehina)

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⚠️- Protective Kageyama, someone getting sexually harassed, physical fight, verbal fight, cussing, crying

Kageyama and Hinata were meeting up at the subway to go watch a Volleyball game together. It was an adults match so they didn't know anyone but they still decided to go and watch it.

They had asked everyone in their team if they could join them but everyone was already busy and had plans so it left them alone.

"Okay Kageyama, I'm here, where are you at?" Hinata asked over his phone as he leaned up against a wall in the subway.

He already had his and Kageyama's tickets and was just waiting for him to show up.

"I'm almost there, give me five minutes and I will be there." Kageyama replied on the other end of the line.

"Okay, see you then!" Hinata said hearing a "Yep, bye." before the call ended.

Hinata looked around and saw an older guy walking up to him.

"Hello~ You know that it isn't very safe down here all alone. How about you stay by me until you get where you need to go?" The man asked instantly giving Hinata creep vibes.

"Oh no thank you. I will be fine, I appreciate the offer though." Hinata replied as he took a step away from the man, his eyes quickly scanning over the crowded subway for anyone that could help him if anything were to go wrong. Sadly he didn't see anyone that looked like they were paying any attention.

"Are you sure? Some people could do something to you and you would be left to defend yourself all alone with out me." The man attempted to persuade as he took another step towards Hinata.

By now Hinata was starting to panic.

"I'm positive, thank you for your offer but I will be fine." He replied hoping that this man would just go away.

The man's face turned bitter as he lunged towards Hinata, grabbing his hands and pinning them above his head on the wall.

Hinata let out a loud scream in hopes that someone would hear him and help but nobody paid him any mind.

"Be quiet you little bitch or I'm going to have to punish you." The man growled as he moved one of his hands down to Hinata's ass groping him.

Hinata's eyes widened before he lifted his leg and kneed the man as hard as he could in his gut.

The man doubled over in pain but kept a tight grip on Hinata's hands.

"You BITCH!" He yelled as he glared at Hinata who looked even more scared that he did before.

"You're going to pay for that!" He said as he stood up again still clearly in pain.

Just as he was reaching up to grab Hinata's throat, a fist collided with his jaw knocking him down and away from Hinata.

Both Hinata and the man looked over at who had punched him at the same time.

"KAGEYAMA!" Hinata yelled as he hugged the boy tightly.

"Are you okay? Did this man hurt you?" Kageyama asked as he took his phone out and took a photo of the man so he could show it to the police.

"Yes he did." Hinata replied as he tightened his grip on the hug, his head being buried into the taller's chest.

Kageyama wrapped his arms around Hinata as he looked down at the man.

"I will be telling the police about you and I have a photo of you so expect to spend a long time in jail. Also if you try anything on either of us right now I do know how to fight and I will not hold back." Kageyama stated as he death glared the man.

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