💗How it should've gone for Eddie

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Type- Angst to FLUFF
ship- Slight Steve x Eddie
⚠️Season 4, pt.2 spoilers, cussing, blood, slight gore, crying⚠️

"Eddie! Eddie!" Dustin yelled as he hobbled over to the bloodied man on the ground, tears already pricking his eyes when he saw Eddie.

"Oh God... oh God Eddie." He said as he pulled Eddie's head into his lap.

"Bad huh?" Eddie asked looking up at the sky.

"No, no, your going to be fine we just need to get you to a hospital." Dustin said quickly as he took off his bandana, quickly wrapping it around one of Eddie's arms before grabbing Eddie's bandana and wrapping his other arm.

"I didn't run away this time right?" Eddie asked as he smiled up at Dustin.

"No, no, no, no, you didn't run." Dustin answered as he continued to take off peaces of his clothing and tying them around Eddie's wounds, quickly adding pressure to the worst of them before looking back at Eddie who gremased at the pain; yet still tried to keep his smile.

"Your going to have to look after those little sheep for me okay?" Eddie said as he began to tear up.

"No, your going to do that yourself! Shut the fuck up, your not going to die Eddie!" Dustin said before lifting his he attempted to move Eddie's body to get him standing up or even just sitting up.

"I guess it's not my time to graduate after all?" Eddie chuckled painfully as Dustin continued to try and pick him up.

"Eddie, shut up man. Your going to survive! Then your going to graduate and flip the fucking principle the bird and strut out of there like you planed!" Dustin yelled as tears began to roll down his face.

"I love you man." Eddie said as he looked at Dustin only to see the tears fall a little faster now.

"I love you too, now please help me! You can move, come on, please just try for me!" Dustin replied as he managed to get Eddie sitting up.

Eddie nodded slightly and finally began trying to help in standing up.

"There you go! Yeah, just keep this up! We'll be back into the normal world before you know it and we'll get you to a hospital and they'll fix you right up!" Dustin said with a wattery grin as he managed to help Eddie stand up.

Eddie groaned as he stumbled some, putting a lot more weight on Dustin as he did so making Dustin stumble as well.

"I'm sorry Henderson." Eddie said as he turned his head, coughing up some blood.

"Don't appoligise man, your perfectly fine. Look! We're almost inside of the house, we just have to get you through the portal and we'll be great." Dustin replied quickly as he attempted to speed up their pace; it being very difficult with his leg and the weight of Eddie.

Eddie only nodded in responce, worried that if he spoke again then he would cough up more blood.

"Okay, up the steps, yep, there you go! See! We've got this!" Dustin said as he attempted to blink the tears out of his eyes and reasure them both at the same time.

Soon enough they both managed to get into the trailer and they made it to the room with the portal.

"Okay buddy, you sit here for one second. I want you to talk to me the whole time though okay?" Dustin said as he set Eddie down onto the floor before taking a deep breath and jumping off of the chair and through the portal.

"Okay." Eddie replied before he began talking for real.

"I didn't run this time because I've always ran before and wanted to make a change. I figured if I could hold off the bats for a little longer then maybe the others would have more time to do what they needed to do." Eddie said through coughs and breaths while Dustin got up from the ground, limping even worse now.

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