💔The Field and The Castle (OC)

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⚠️Main character death, blood, slight gore⚠️
I woke up in tall grass, it's scratches at my arms and legs.

I stand up hoping to be able to see more than just the grass and flowers.

Once I am standing I look around and see what seems to be endless fields of beautiful flowers along with tall grass and clovers.

I then look down and see that I am wearing a while flowey dress and as I lift my hand to my head I feel a flower crown.

"Now where am I?" I ask aloud to myself as I scan the land.

Thats when I look up at the sky, the clouds are dark as a flash of lightning strikes, a loud clap of thunder following after.

My eyes widen in worry before I see a dark red light accompanied with a black glow coming from imbetween the field and the sky.

Once I've seen it I feel like I'm being drawn twards it.

I run as fast as my legs can take me twards it in hopes that I will be safe wherever it is.

I run through a forest that I imagen would have been beautiful having I given the time to stop and look at it.

Instead I carry on in my running, the stray branches of trees and bushes scrape my arms and tear my dress but I don't care. I keep running.

Another crack of lightning lightenes up the forest enough for me to see an opening.

Once I reach the clearing I see a large castle that looks like it is made of black glass.

A loud wave of thunder rumbles so powerfully it shakes the ground.

I start to walk twards the castle before I feel like I am being pulled twards it by some invisible force.

When I look around I see that there aren't any guards at the door.

"Odd." I mutter to myself before I open the large door to alow myself inside.

I look around and see that all of the walls are made out of the black glass while the floor, stairs, and most everything else is made of white marble with black spots in it.

This place reminds me of Elsa's ice castle when she went rouge in the first movie.

My eyes snap above me when I hear a loud CLANG.

My sister is standing there with a sinister smirk on her face.

I look right above me and see the black glass chandelier falling.

My eyes go back down to my sister as I look at her in disbelief, my body frozen in shock.

The last things I hear is her evil laugh before the chandelier impaled me. Into my head, right in the middle of my flower crown; and through the rest of my body.

I colaps as my blood stains the floor around me.

My life memories flash before my eyes.

All of the memories consists of my sister and I playing, having fun, loving one another. All exsept for the very last one.

The memory that happened meir seconds ago... my sister laughing at my soon to be dead body.

"That is not my sister." Is my very last thought before I die.
528 Words :)

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