💗Thunder Storm (OC)

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Characters from- My book "Demon Love"

Background info- Otto hates thunder storms so Caleb comforts him trough one. Also Caleb is a demon and Otto is an angle. (Also Otto's dad is not God in this context, I mean he is but- idk how to explain it sorry. Just saying he isn't talking about God here)

⚠Cussing, abusive father, past verbal & physical abuse, crying but not for long⚠

It was getting late when Caleb and Otto had decided to go to bed. Their mom's were down stairs watching a movie together so they wouldn't bother the two.

"I'm going to go and change in the bathroom, I'll be right back Angle." Caleb said before kissing Otto's head and leaving for the bathroom.

Even though Otto was actually an angle Caleb still liked to use the pet name for him because he thought it fit him so well.

"Okay." Otto said back with a smile as he watch Caleb leave the room.

Once the door shut he quickly changed into his own pajamas before going over to the bed and getting as comfortable as he could.

A few minutes later Caleb walked back into the room and threw his dirty clothes into his dirty hamper before walking over to Otto and big spooning him.

"Goodnight Love." He said against Otto's shoulder as Otto leaned into his embrace.

"Goodnight." Otto replied before they both fell into a peaceful slumber.

*** Three hours later ***

A large clap of thunder sounded waking Otto up with a start.

When he opened his eyes he saw lightning flash from the window making him shut his eyes again tightly. 

He fucking HATED thunder storms.

Another clap of thunder struck, this one so loud that it shook the house.

Otto whimpered as he turned around in Caleb's arms and hugged him tightly, burring his head into Caleb's chest.

"What's wrong baby?" Caleb asked groggily having woke up from Otto's whimper and sudden hug. 

Before Otto could answer, a bright beam of lightning flashed lighting the entire room up for a second making Otto flinch and hide back onto Caleb's chest.

"Are you scared of thunder storms? Or just the lightning?" Caleb asked as he allowed his leather-like wings come from his back and wrap around Otto in a protective manner, also blocking out the lightning.

"Storms." Otto muttered, his voice muffled from Caleb's pajama shirt.

"Okay, give me a second and you won't see or hear any more of it." Caleb said getting a quick nod from his scared lover in reply.

Deciding that a silencing spell would be best Caleb snapped his fingers, instantly all sounds of the storm stopping. Next he pulled the blinds down with the wave of his pointer finger blocking out the lightning.

"There, all better now. You do know that because we are inside and can't die unless stabbed by an angle or demon blade that the storm can't hurt us right?" Caleb stated before asking making Otto look up from his chest.

"Thank you and yes I know but it's not really the storm that scares me... it's the bad memories that get me." Otto explained as he turned so his ear was pressed against Caleb's chest instead of his face.

"Anything for you love. Do you wanna talk about it?" Caleb asked as he rubbed soothing circles onto Otto's back.

"Not really but I don't see myself getting much sleep tonight so I might as well. As you already know, my mom and dad fight a lot. The thunder reminds me of my dad throwing things at her and the crash sound it makes whenever she dodges it. The lightning reminds me of the time when I accidently burnt our dinner but my mom took the blame so he beat her. I couldn't do anything to help her because he is a Warlock and I'm not twenty yet so my powers aren't as strong yet." Otto explained, tears pricking at his eyes at the horrid memories.

"Oh baby..." Caleb said as he pulled Otto closer to him, one of his hands going up to his hair while the other stayed on his back.

"I couldn't do anything. I was useless and because of that my mom got hurt." Otto cried as Caleb tried to calm him.

"But she is safe now. You both are, Iris won't let anything happen to either or you and I won't either. If your dad manages to get out of jail then Iris and I will take care of him. I promise." He said as he wiped the tears from Otto's cheeks.

"Don't dwell on the past okay? Iris has healed your mom and your dad is in jail. We will protect you both." Caleb continued before kissing Otto's head.

"Thank you." Otto said as he looked up at Caleb's eyes.

"For what Love?" Caleb asked as he brushed a strand of hair out of Otto's face.

"For everything. For talking to me, keeping the sounds and light of the storm away, for loving me, for helping me protect my mom, for letting us stay over here, for everything." Otto repeated with a soft smile.

"Anything for you my Angle." Caleb said before pulling Otto into a soft kiss. 

They pulled apart after a minute and Otto rested his head back down onto Caleb's chest.

"Do you think you can go back to sleep or do you want to watch some movies until morning?" Caleb asked as he ran a hand through Otto's soft locks.

"I think I can sleep. I love you." Otto replied before kissing Caleb's shoulder gently and shutting his eyes.

"Okay, love you too Angle." Caleb replied before he too shut his eyes. Both boys fell asleep soon, Otto to the sound of Caleb's steady heart and Caleb to the warmth of Otto's body on to of his.


969 Words!

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